
KRunner SSH Backend

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SSH Runner

A KRunner backend for connecting to SSH hosts listed in your known_hosts file.



Automatic installation

Simply execute the install.sh script and you are ready to go.

Manual installation

  • Copy ssh-runner.desktop to ~/.local/share/kservices5
  • Copy ssh-runner.service to ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services/com.selfcoders.ssh-runner.service
  • Replace "%{BASE_DIR}" with the path to the folder containing the runner.py in ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services/com.selfcoders.ssh-runner.service
  • Install Python dbus bindings: pip install dbus-python
  • Restart KRunner using kquitapp5 krunner

Terminal Command

As every terminal emulator has different options on how to start a new SSH session, you can specify the command to open the SSH session as arguments passed to runner.py.

The {} placeholder will be replaced by the hostname.


  • Konsole: konsole -e 'ssh {}' (default)
  • Tilix: tilix -e 'ssh {}'
  • GNOME Terminal: gnome-terminal -- ssh {}

Example call: /path/to/runner.py konsole -e 'ssh {}'


Open KRunner (usually Alt+F2) and search for a host listed in your known_hosts file.

Note: Make sure to disable hashing of your known_hosts file (HashKnownHOsts no in your ~/.ssh/config), otherwise SSH Runner can't find any hosts from your known_hosts file.