This is a basic websapp designed to help you win clue. You can use it to keep track of every guess your opponents make, and the program will deduce who has what cards.
It works by cross referencing all guesses to find inconsistancies. For example, if an opponent says, "I can't help you" to "Green, Wrench, Bathroom", but 10 turns later says, "I can help you" to "Mustard, Wrench, Bathroom", then you know that player must have just shown "Mustard".
The app will also save your games with localstorage.
The site uses Jquery and Bootstrap, but is otherwise a vanilla site.
I don't believe the app is up any longer, but you can still open it using any localhost starter (such as http-server).
Once you have the app running on a localhost, you will need to navigate to the start folder and open start.html