
node version: 22.14.0 (LTS)

npm version: 11.2.0

Electron version: 35.0.2

Electron Forge version: 7.7.0

Hi everyone,

I am developing an application based on Forges webpack-typescript template and I am struggling with the integration of some assets like configuration files, images and fonts. I spend some days on figuring out how to include these files, but I got stuck.

I recognized that there is an import of the default stylesheet index.css in the renderer.ts file. Both files are located inside the ./src. But I am not quiet sure, why this is necessary. I would guess, that this somehow related to the definition of entryPoints of the application. Is it correct, that an Electron application can define multiple entryPoints, which could be denoted as views? Is that correct? If it is, than each view needs an HTML file and two TypeScript files used as the renderer and preload script. The HTML file defines the graphical user interface, while the preload.ts defines an interface for the inter-process communication between the renderer and the main process. The renderer.ts file on the other hand defines the logic for the graphical user interface. The name defines the name of the entrypoint. Is that correct?


// ...
renderer: {
    config: rendererConfig,
    entryPoints: [
            html: './src/index.html',
            js: './src/renderer.ts',
            name: 'main_window',
            preload: {
                js: './src/preload.ts',

Does Forge or webpack use this information in order to connect the renderer.ts and the HTML file? Because the renderer.ts is not referenced by the HTML file provided by the template. Is this, why the stylesheets need to be imported in the renderer.ts? There is an rule inside the webpack.renderer.config.ts file, provided by the template.

  test: /\.css$/,
  use: [{ loader: 'style-loader' }, { loader: 'css-loader' }],

Which role does this rule play in this context? Is this rule necessary to handle the imports in the renderer.ts file?

What about other files, like images and fonts? How can I include these files in my application in both development and production (build) context? Currently the files I want to include are inside the ./assets directory. Is the font referenced by the stylesheet automatically resolved?

Should I include an extra rule in the webpack.renderer.config.ts file for handling .svg, .png, .jpeg and .jpg? Do I need to import these files in the renderer.ts as well? I red, that there is a new way of including or loading these kind of assets into the bundle, webpack creates. This way, there is should be no need for using file-loader, url-loader etc. Is that correct? What about this rule? How does this work?

  test: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|svg|ico|icns)$/,
  type: 'asset/resource',