
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



The current implementation of DREAM is divided into two components:

  1. Part 1 is a C++ IDA plugin and performs the following analysis:

    • IR Lifter lifts x86 code into DREAM IR.
    • SSA Transformer transforms the Static Single Assignment (SSA) form.
    • Data Flow Analysis: this includes
      • Condition code translation: Transforming the flags used in conditional jump instructions into corresponding high-level conditions
      • Expression propagation: propagates definitions to their using instructions. Here, a few heuristics are used to avoid producing overly complex expressions
      • Dead code elimination: It removes dead code.
    • Type Analysis recovers elementary types of recovered variables in the function. The implementation is based on concepts presented in the TIE paper.
    • SSA back translation transforms the code out of SSA form. This includes removing the phi functions by representing their semantics using normal IR code.

    The analysis results of the first part can be exported into a JSON file (check the description of the format of the JSON file).

  2. Part 2 is python program that parses the exported JSON file and then perform the following analysis:

    • Control-Flow Structuring to recover the control structure of the function by analyzing the control flow graph in order to represent the control flow using high-level control constructs, e.g., if-then and while statements.
    • Readability improvements include several optimizations to improve the readability of the decompiled code.

Part 1

This gives an overview about the first part of the decompiler.

Installation Requirements

The code is provided as Visual Studio 2010 Solution and has the following requirements:

  • IDA 6.4 SDK.
  • The Boost Graph Library (version 1.55.0) is used for graph algorithms.
  • Windows SDK

The configurations of the solution are taken from this tutorial. The project is configured so that the resulted binary is stored in IDA's plugins folder. You might need to adjust the project configurations so that the paths points to where the dependencies are installed on your systems. Currently, the plugin is used in a Windows XP virtual machine.


To run the plugin use the key combination Ctrl + D. Then a dialog box with several options will pop up. There, you can choose to export (as a JSON file) a single function or all the functions in the binary. In both cases you need to specify the folder where the exported function(s) will be stored. For each function, the corresponding JSON file is named <function name>.json.

###JSON Format The result of the first analysis is exported in a JSON file, which represents a binary function.

    "function_name": // function name
    "arguments": // a list of all expressions representing the function arguments
    "cfg": // an object representing the cotrol flow graph of the function

Control Flow Graph

This represents the control flow graph of a function and has the following format:

    "nodes": // the list of the CFG's nodes
    "conditions_map": // a map from edge labeles to the corresponding condition expressions


A node represents a basic block and has the following format:

    "id": // a unique number to identify the node
    "type": // the type of the node and can be either "Conditional" and "Code" (see the NDSS'15 paper)
    "successors": // a list of edges to successor nodes
    "instructions": // a list of instructions contained in the node. Clearly, this field is only available in code nodes

Successor Edge

An Edge represents a possible transition of control between two nodes and has the following format:

    "id": // the identifier of the successor node. Note the source node is implicitly defined as the Node object containing the endge
    "tag": // the label associated of edge. It represent the condition based on which this edge is executed after the source node.


An instruction entry represents a statement in DREAM IR and has the following format:

    "instruction_type": // The type of statement
    "...": // remaining fields depends on the statement type (check the json parser).


An expression entry represents a expression in DREAM IR and has the following format:

    "expression_type": // The type of expression
    "...": // remaining fields depends on the expression type (check the json parser).

Part 2

This gives an overview about the second part of the decompiler.

Installation Requirements

  • Some of the dependencies are pip-installable

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install z3 with Python bindings. Several installations options are possible and explained

    git clone https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3.git
    cd z3
    python scripts/mk_make.py --python
    cd build
    sudo make install
  • Install SWI-Prolog and the python library pyswip (version 0.2.3).

    Installing SWI-Prolog is available as a package for most major Linux distributions. Installation steps are explained here.

    The pip-installable version of pyswip is 0.2.2. For this reason, it was excluded from the requirements.txt file. To install pyswip python setup.py install

  • Install the graph_tool library. Installation steps are explained here


To run the decompiler, you can use the following command:

python dream.py (--decompile|--compile-transformation-rules) -i <input file> -o <output file/directory> [--json] [--split-returns]

There are two modes available

  1. decompile: in this mode a function is chosen to be decompiled. Available options for this mode are:

    • -i <input file> specifies the input file that contains the IR of the function to be decompiled.
    • -o <output file> specifies the output files where the decompiled code is stored.
    • --json specifies that the input file is in JSON format (as exported by the corresponding IDA plugin)
    • --split-returns this option causes return nodes (only containing return statements) with three or more incoming edges to be splitted into several nodes with with a single incoming edge. In some cases, this leads to a more readable code.
  2. compile-transformation-rules: in this mode, transformation rules are compiled into prolog rules, which DREAM uses to match for the defined patters and replace those patterns as defined by the corresponding transformation rule. Available options for this mode are:

    • -i <input file> specifies the input file that contains the source code of the transformation rules.
    • -o <output directory> specifies the directory where the compiled rules are stored. In this directory, two files are created by the compiler:
      • rules.pl contains Prolog inference rules
      • queries contains the corresponding queries that will be performed by the transformer (dream/CTransformer.py)

    The main configurations of DREAM are stored in dream/config.py. Current configurations use the rules contained in dream/prolog.