
My implementation of a hash table in C

Primary LanguageC

Hash table

OK, we're going to make a hash table! Cool! What is a hash table? Well, it's basically a data structure that implements an associative array. An associative array is an ADT that is a set of key-value pairs, where a particular key may appear at most once in the array. There are a couple of operations that are commonly supported, like inserting a new key-value pair, getting the value associated with a particular key, deleting a key-value pair, and so on.

All that is great, but how do we actually implement it? Well, there are a variety of choices to be made. This image stolen from Wikipedia gives us an idea of what we're shooting for:

So what we'd like is a function where we can hash a string like John Smith and get the array index 02 out. That sounds great, but we've got a problem, and the name of that problem is hash collision.

Collisions and collisions

One of the problems with this is that unless we allocate an amount of storage similar to the keyspace size to our array (the array whose indices we'll get from the hash function) we will have collisions. A collision is when two keys produce the same hash value. We need to think hard about what to do in this case.

If the keys for our key/value store (associative array) are going to be, say, strings of up to 20 characters, then the keyspace is really really big. We do not want to allocate enough space to completely avoid collisions (which would require allocated space equal to keyspace size) since we'd probably like to store other things on our computer besides our small hash table.

So how do we get around this? Well, one simple way is with the modulo operator. Say we make a guess about how much storage to allocate - maybe we want to do 1000 records or so. So we can allocate an array with dimension 1000, and then once we hash our keys we can take hash(key) % 1000 to get an array index into which to stick the value.

That sounds great, but what about collisions? Well, there's a couple of things we could do. What we're going to do is called separate chaining. Basically we make each bin of our hash table (so the array entry hash(key)) point to a linked list - in that linked list we can store everything that hashes to that particular key. Nice!

I wrote a new implementation of a doubly-linked list that includes two *char in order to hold both the key and the value (we want to store both in our list so that we can tell which value corresponds to which key).

Hash functions

I think for this we're just going to use the SHA1 hash - this isn't considered secure for crypto work but it should be good enough here. We can get it on Linux from openssl/sha.h, handy! To get that to work you need to run gcc with the -I/usr/include/openssl and -lcrypto flags (assuming you're running Debian or similar, it may be different on other distros or on e.g. OSX).

We're just going to do something like:

#include <openssl/sha.h>

void hash(unsigned char *key, unsigned char *output)
{ // get the hash of a key
    size_t len = sizeof(key);
    SHA1(key, len, output);

Then the function hash will return the SHA1 hash of key. Nice!

Linked List implementation

I mentioned above that I decided to use a linked list to implement separate chaining in order to avoid hash collisions. I was originally going to use my existing linked list implementation, but I only need a subset of the operations written there, and I have different storage requirements here.

In short, we don't care much where we stick things in the linked list (since it's all pointed to by the same bin in the hash table) so we only need an operation that inserts nodes at the beginning. My other implementation also only included a single pointer to char, and here we want two. Why? Because in order to distinguish between key/value pairs whose keys hash to the same value we need to store the key in the linked list as well. Great! Our list structs look like this:

typedef struct node {
    struct node *previous;
    struct node *next;
    char *key;
    char *value;
} node;

typedef struct list {
    node *head;
    node *tail;
} list;

The operations are all pretty standard, and all found in hashlist.h.

Hash table implementation

OK, so we've got our linked list sorted, how do we actually implement the hash table? We use the following struct:

typedef struct hashtable {
    int size;
    list **table;
} hashtable;

So basically we have a size attribute, and table, which is a pointer to an array of lists (or a pointer to a pointer to a list, if you like). Great! That's a little abstract though, maybe we can make it a little clearer by seeing the function we use to initialize this thing:

hashtable *hashinit(int size)
{ // allocates hashtable array, returns pointer to array
    list **hasharray;
    hasharray = malloc(sizeof (list) * size);
    hashtable *hashtab;
    hashtab = malloc(sizeof (hashtable));

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        hasharray[i] = listinit();

    hashtab->table = hasharray;
    hashtab->size = size;
    return hashtab;

OK let's break this down a bit. We take an argument size, which is sort of our 'best guess' for how big we think the table should be. Then we declare a pointer to an array of lists (list **hasharray;), which we point at a bunch of memory. We allocate enough memory to hold size lists, so if we have that size = 1000 we'll allocate enough space for 1000 lists. Then we iterate through the bins in our array, and we initialize an empty list (listinit()) for each bin to point to. listinit does the malloc-ing and returns the *list pointer for our list struct.

So we've got an array of size consisting of pointers to empty lists, and our listinit() function takes care of all the details for initializing those. We've also declared another pointer, to the hashtable type. We set this to point to enough memory to hold a hash table (malloc(sizeof (hashtable))), and then we modify the pointers in that allocated memory.

Remember that the hashtable struct has two attributes: an integer called size and list **table, which points to our list array. We set hashtab->size to the size argument we pass in, and we simply set hashtab->table to point to our array of list pointers. OK, so at this point we have heap-allocated enough memory to hold our list array, our actual lists, and the struct that lets us access them. We can then go ahead and return hashtab, our pointer. Whew! All this means that if we want a new hash table all we need to do is:

hashtable *table;
table = hashinit(100);

to get a hashtable with enough room for 100 lists. Great!

Adding/updating/deleting/looking things up!

So at this point we can initialize a hash table. We've also got functions that destroy a list, and another function that will destroy a whole hashtable (by destroy I mean free). That's all well and good, but what if we want to actually use the thing?

Add stuff

If we have a hashtable called table already instantiated we can add things to it with the inserthash function:

void inserthash(hashtable *hashtab, unsigned char *key, char *value)
{ // insert key,value pair into hashtab
    unsigned char keyhash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    int index = hashindex(hashtab, key, keyhash);
    list *temp = hashtab->table[index];
    listinsert(temp, nodegen(key, value, keyhash));

How does this work? We take as arguments a hashtable, a key, and a value. Then we use a helper function called hashindex, which basically takes a table, a key, and a pointer into which to write a hash, and it returns an integer. This integer is the index of the array of linked lists in our hash table where the value associated with our key is stored. Here's what the hashindex function looks like:

int hashindex(hashtable *table, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *output)
{ // takes a key, gives you the index for it
    size_t len = sizeof(key);
    SHA1(key, len, output);

    int i = 1;
    int arraykey = 1;
    int j = 0;

    while (i < table->size) {
        arraykey *= output[j++];
        i *= 256;
    return arraykey % table->size;

We're going to find the hash of our key with SHA1 again, and then we're going to produce a number from the hash and our hashtable size in such a way that a given key will always produce the same number. Once we have the index we can look up the right linked list, and we have a function to search within a linked list for a match on the key value. Great!

Look stuff up!

We also use that index when we want to look something up. Our lookup process is basically:

  • find the array index from the key hash
  • get the linked list at that index
  • error checking!
  • search in the linked list for the key (we store keys in list nodes, remember?)
  • return the value!

Pretty straightforward when we lay it out, right? This is how we implement that:

char *hashlookup(hashtable *hashtab, unsigned char *key)
{ // find the value for key in hashtab
    unsigned char keyhash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    int index;
    index = hashindex(hashtab, key, keyhash);
    list *templist = hashtab->table[index];
    if (empty(templist))
        return "not found";
    else {
        node *tempnode = listkeysearch(templist, key);
        return tempnode->value;

Ahh, nice. I vacillated a bit on whether to just return tempnode->value, which is the value part of the key/value pair, or whether to return the whole node. I figured since the hashtable is really supposed to be a key/value store it makes more sense to just return the actual value than the whole list node.

Remove entries!

Removing things is very similar to looking them up. Since our linked list type already supports a delete operation, all we need to do is:

  • get the linked list pointed to by our key
  • find the right node in our linked list
  • delete it!

This looks like:

void hashdel(hashtable *hashtab, unsigned char *toremove)
{ // delete the key/value pair from the hashtable
    unsigned char keyhash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    int index = hashindex(hashtab, toremove, keyhash);
    list *templist = hashtab->table[index];
    if (! (empty(templist))) {
        node *delnode = listkeysearch(templist, toremove);
        listremove(templist, delnode);

Great! Since our hashtable contains empty linked lists by default (when we initialize it) we don't need to worry about doing anything if the list is already empty. If the node we're deleting is the last node, we'll just leave and empty linked list at that pointer.

Wrapping up

Well, that's it! If you want to use this in a project you can add this repo as a git submodule in your project, and then do #include "hashtable/hashtable.h" in any file where you'd like to use a hash table.

Happy hashing!