
Programming Life, contextproject 2015.

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status


Programming Life (group 2)

For more details about this project, the team and the application, visit the Wiki pages.




Before using any of the MVN lifecycle aspects for the first time or after an update, run mvn install


To generate a site run mvn site:site site:stage. The staging site will be in target/staging. Just running mvn site will not create proper links between modules.


To create a runnable jar run mvn package, the runnable jar is created in geex-core/target/geex-core-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar.


The diagrams are based on PlantUML. Install the PlantUML Integration plugin from the IntelliJ plugin browser. The diagrams are also available in the Maven site.

In order for the rendering of the graphs to work GraphViz is needed. This is an external dependeny which cannot be installed with maven.