
Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Install Module from Repository

# Verbose switch is optional, it's helpful for debugging
Import-Module -Force -Verbose ".\PersonalScripts\PersonalScripts.psd1" @importModuleSplat

Register a File Path as a Module Repository

# Verbose switch is optional, it's helpful for debugging
# Update the $Path parameter if you wish to publish the module to specific directory, like on 
#   another drive or on a file server.
$registerPersonalRepositorySplat = @{
    Verbose = $True 
    Force = $True
    # Path = "D:\PowerShell\Modules\" 
.\scripts\Register-PersonalRepository.ps1 @registerPersonalRepositorySplat

Publish Module to Repository

# Verbose switch is optional, it's helpful for debugging
# Update the $Path parameter if you wish to publish the module to specific directory, like on 
#   another drive or on a file server.
$publishModuleSplat = @{
    Verbose = $True 
    # Force = $True
    # Path = "D:\PowerShell\Modules\" 
.\scripts\Publish-Module.ps1 @publishModuleSplat

Install Module from Repository

Install-Module -Repository PersonalPSRepo -Name PersonalScripts -Scope CurrentUser