Establish Volunteer Sign-up Sheet
Opened this issue · 1 comments
jpb5013 commented
Required Information
Create a standard place so people can sign up for regular, defined tasks that support ProgCode
People don't know how to get involved or how to help support ProgCode
We will have a specifically defined list of what needs to happen, when, how, and by whom
- Create list here
- Review during weekly operations meeting, solicit volunteers
- Add additional items, add process when needed
Decision Making
Consent to implement
Optional Information
Reference link(s)
PamelaJohn commented
Looks as though we have two Volunteer Sign-up Spreadsheets. The one referenced in Issue #218 (above) and the one referenced in @stephenscapelliti's comment to Issue #245. Maybe we can consolidate the two lists. The list in #245 is presently what's sent to new Slack members in the Welcome DM.