Robowheel + ODrive + ROS2

WhatsApp Video 2022-10-06 at 07 31 43

This repository will contain configuration files, scripts, and eventually a ROS 2 node pertaining to the control of "RoboWheel" hub motors from Sky's Edge. specifically using the ODrive brushless motor controller (anxiously awaiting the release of Sky's Edge NearZero2 controller!).

Big thanks to Andy (check out his robot donkeys here!) for sharing his ODrive configuration.

To get moving,

This assumes you have ROS2 and the ODrive Python library installed...

If you want to see your wheels move in a lovely sinusoidal fashion like in this demo, - Copy the odrive_driver and two_wheel_demo packages to your ros2_ws/src

  • Edit the serial number in /odrive_driver/odrive_driver/ to match your own (instructions for getting SN are in the comments of the file)
  • Build the packages from within ros2_ws using colcon build
  • Run the demo using
ros2 run odrive_driver odrive_node // In one terminal
ros2 run two_wheel_demo run_demo   // In a separate terminal


  • You can publish vel or pos commands to whichever axis you'd like, for instance to command a velocity of 1 turn/sec on axis0:
ros2 topic pub -r 10 /axis0_vel_sub std_msgs/msg/Float32 "{data: 0.5}"