
3D Slicer Module Crashes

Sharpz7 opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm sure this probably belongs somewhere else - I will appreciate any advice I can get. I am pretty new to all this technology.

modules\MONAILabelLib\ - Reading status/content from simple response!
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - -----------------------------------------------------	
Total Models Available: 	4	
Deepedit Models: 	1	
Segmentation Models: 	1	
Scribbles Models: 	2	
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - Time consumed by fetch info: 2.4
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - updateConfigTable => refresh:True
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - Current Selection Options Section: infer
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - Current Selection Options Name: deepedit
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - 0 => models => deepedit => cache_transforms => True
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - 1 => models => deepedit => cache_transforms_in_memory => True
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - 2 => models => deepedit => cache_transforms_ttl => 300
[INFO][Python] 20.09.2023 14:49:48 [Python] (C:/Users/adamm/AppData/Local/NA-MIC/Slicer 5.2.2/NA-MIC/Extensions-31382/MONAILabel/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/ - 3 => models => deepedit => device => ['Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB']
[2023-09-20 20:49:49,993] [20752] [MainThread] [INFO] (monailabel.endpoints.activelearning:44) - Active Learning Request: {'strategy': 'random', 'client_id': 'user-xyz'}
[2023-09-20 20:49:49,996] [20752] [MainThread] [INFO] (monailabel.tasks.activelearning.random:47) - Random: Selected Image: spleen_40; Weight: 1695242989
[2023-09-20 20:49:50,000] [20752] [MainThread] [INFO] (monailabel.endpoints.activelearning:60) - Next sample: {'id': 'spleen_40', 'weight': 1695242989, 'path': '/home/coder/projects/alberta-box/monai/datasets/Task09_Spleen/imagesTr/spleen_40.nii.gz', 'ts': 1695241293, 'name': 'spleen_40.nii.gz'}

Essentially, the logs get as far as here and then 3D Slicer crashes. The server I am running is remote and on https (Does that change anything?)

Hi @Sharpz7,

Thanks for asking this.
It seems there are no errors on the MONAI Label side. Can you please try the latest 3D Slicer and see if this happens?

Let us know


Tried the latest version, same problem. But, by setting it up with a localhost port forward it now works. This probably needs further investigation, but I do not have the time right now. I will try and get full logs in the future and send them here.

Thank you :))

Closing issue. Please reopen if you still face this problem.