
MONAI v1.3 release preparation-- MONAILabel sync

wyli opened this issue · 5 comments

wyli commented

"[Deprecated] AddChannel and AsChannelFirst in favor of EnsureChannelFirst" breaks the radiology sample-app as a lot of apps there are using both transforms.
I quickly tried fixing that locally by replacing everything with EnsureChannelFirst and EnsureChannelFirstd, however the unittest fails with "ValueError: Metadata not available and channel_dim=None, EnsureChannelFirst is not in use."
I tried to find another transform similar to AddChannel, like UnsqeezeDim but couldn't find any.

wyli commented

fyi the related tutorial updates show potential solutions: Project-MONAI/tutorials#1527

Some of the models used in examples for MONAI Label break due to required changes in the infer/train configs.. they are still using delete arguments/transforms

wyli commented

thanks, v1.3 is now available, please create new ticket on further issues