
Segment volume calculation and structured report for secondary capture images.

kenbutcher opened this issue · 0 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Quantitative data reporting/visualisation is currently limited to the OHIF viewer. We need a more portable/universal solution.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like a report of segment volumes available outside of the OHIF viewer. Ideally, these should be included with secondary capture images (submitted as a separate feature request last month). Options are:

  1. A table/structured report in the same dicom series
  2. Segment volumes (and labels) burned into the SC images themselves
  3. A PDF of both 1 and 2, encapsulated in a dicom wrapper and sent back to XNAT.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Currently, segment volumes are calculated and available in the OHIF viewer when dicom SEG masks are loaded. This is an excellent visualization tool, but is not portable to other PACS or those without dicom SEG functionality. Even if dicom SEG can be loaded, the segment volumes will not be reported/visible on other viewers.

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