Spacingd makes label and image shape mismatch
sharonlee12 opened this issue · 1 comments
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load_transforms = monai.transforms.Compose([
monai.transforms.LoadImaged(keys=["image", "label_path"]),
monai.transforms.AddChanneld(keys=["image", "label_path"]),
monai.transforms.Orientationd(keys=["image", "label_path"], axcodes="RAS"),
and out put is untransformed is (1, 512, 512, 254),(1, 512, 512, 254)
spacing_transforms = monai.transforms.Compose([
monai.transforms.LoadImaged(keys=["image", "label_path"]),
monai.transforms.AddChanneld(keys=["image", "label_path"]),
monai.transforms.Orientationd(keys=["image", "label_path"], axcodes="RAS"),
monai.transforms.Spacingd(keys=["image", "label_path"],
pixdim=(args.space_x, args.space_y, args.space_z),
mode=("bilinear", "nearest")),
and output is transformed is (1, 326, 326, 423),(1, 342, 342, 170)
and my version is monai 1.1.0,there is a warning——pixdim[0] (qfac) should be 1 (default) or -1; setting qfac to
Hi @sharonlee12,
Are both the image and label of the same size when loading them? I suspect that may be the issue.