
Project Babbage 1st edition: a 3D renderer built from scratch for the purpose of learning.

Primary LanguageGo

render3d, Project Babbage first edition.

The idea for this edition was to build a 3D renderer to understand important concepts in this field.

Our ray tracing algorithm implementation relies on CPU power so the rendering is not expected to be time efficient at this stage.

Take a look at those beautiful colors and at that beautiful glass material below!

Result example



On Debian based distributions


sudo apt install golang libsdl2-dev

go install

On Arch based distributions


sudo pacman -Syu --needed go sdl2

go get github.com/veandco/go-sdl2@latest

go install

Rendering the current scene

Do go run main.go

You can change the current scene in main.go.

The first time you run it, it may take some time to load SDL2.

Scene configuration

Check the default config at config/config.go.

The screen is at D (+Z axis) from the eye (D=2 in the default config). Hence you need to put the object after Z=2 to see it on the rendered image.

SaveAsPNG is false by default. Set to true to save the rendered image to render3d.png.


Run the tests with go test ./...

Run the benchs (and tests) with go test ./... -bench .

Run the tests without display tests with go test -short ./...

Run a specific test (here called TestNewScreen):

go test -run TestNewScreen render3d/render

you must specify the package it's in (render3d/render)


To generate a package doc (render package here), do:

go doc -all render

Coordinate system used

Same system as SDL.

o -- + X

Z follows the right hand rule (goes up from your eyes to the screen)

Origin (o) is where the Eye is : (0, 0, 0).