Can't compile using UE 4.25
Cryoshell99 opened this issue · 6 comments
ProcessResult.StdOut: [3/7] Module.PBCharacterMovement.cpp
ProcessResult.StdOut: C:/Users/*******/Documents/Unreal Projects/Khsen/Plugins/HLCM/HostProject/Plugins/PBCharacterMovement/Source/PBCharacterMovement/Private/Character/PBPlayerMovement.cpp(1097): error C2248: AActor::Role: unable to access private member declared in class "AActor"
ProcessResult.StdOut: C: \ Program Files \ UE_4.25 \ Engine \ Source \ Runtime \ Engine \ Classes \ GameFramework / Actor.h (541): note: see the declaration "AActor :: Role"
You have to use the getters and setters provided instead of direct member access.
You have to use the getters and setters provided instead of direct member access.
Could you make a step-by-step plan? I understand that this is arrogance on my part, but I just started to study this engine and what you said is not clear to me
Look at the Unreal Engine 4.24 release notes, and search for Role. It will provide instructions on how to migrate (use GetRole).
I supposedly fixed the Role issue, but I'm getting this error:
PBCharacterMovement/Source/PBCharacterMovement/Private/Character/PBPlayerCharacter.cpp(238): error C2027: type usage not defined 'UDamageType'
Include the damage type class
Fixed in: 04b1e7e