Net64+ Server

This is a dedicated server for Net64 aka Sm64O, that uses the Websocket protocol.

Server List

There is a public server list of all Net64+ server, that have enabled listing.


For user servers, there is a prebuilt Windows version with a few limitations, but it is much easier to host in general. The prebuilt version is bundled with the Net64+ Client.


  "port": "3678", // make sure your port is forwarded
  "enableWebHook": false, // set this to true, if you want your server to be listed
  "gamemode": 1, // the gamemode that will be used when the server boots
  "enableGamemodeVote": true, // whether gamemode voting should be enabled
  "name": "A Net64+ Server", // display name for public server list
  "domain": "", // domain of your server for public server list. keep it empty, if you don't have a domain
  "description": "The **best** Net64+ server ever\n\n:unicorn_face:", // description for public server list
  "apiKey": "" // this is required, if you want your server to be listed
  • (OPTIONAL) if you want your server to be listed, go to SMMDB, login with Google, go to profile and get your API key
    • Do not share your API key, because it gives full access to your account
    • You can only list one server per API key
    • name will be shortened to 40 characters at most
    • description will be shortened to 200 characters at most
    • description supports Markdown and emojis
  • open a terminal in the folder of your server and execute the following commands
$ npm install
$ npm start
  • (OPTIONAL) if you want to run your server indefinitely with auto restarts, I suggest to use pm2
$ npm i -g pm2
$ pm2 start ./dist --name="net64 server"