
Matplotlib content could be expanded with GeoCAT's past tutorial

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi @ProjectPythia/education

@anissa111 from GeoCAT gave a Matplotlib tutorial before as part of Xdev's (or ESDS's) Python Tutorial Seminar Series, which already has a recorded video under Project Pythia Youtube channel.

We believe parts or all of that tutorial could be used for expanding the content of Pythia Foundations - matplotlib basics (though there are apparently some overlaps between two notebooks).

Please let us know your thoughts.

clyne commented

I think the Southern Oscillation Index would make a nice real world example that could augment the current Pythia Foundations - matplotlib basics.

What are your thoughts @brian-rose, @mgrover1

This sounds great! Maybe more of an "applications-focused" example? Similar to the Pythonic Data Analysis examples from Unidata

Gentle ping to @anissa111, we discussed this issue at the EWG meeting today! Do you have a brief status update on this issue?

Hello @brian-rose, yes! This is actually next on my to do list. A lot of the content already exists and just needs to be repurposed. The project I'm currently working on is wrapping up today and then I'm going to turn my attention to this. Apologies for the delay!

@anissa111 I can help out with this! Are you planning on attending the hackathon?

@mgrover1 Sounds good! I don't have anything on my calendar for it but I can pop in at 10!