Jupyterbook source for the Foundations collection
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- 1
Testing against numpy 2.0
#479 opened by brian-rose - 3
Command on page /preamble/how-to-use.html to create the conda environment no longer works?
#485 opened by JackScheff - 0
- 1
Issue on page /core/data-formats/netcdf-cf.html
#431 opened by ft236 - 2
Git installation in the git section?
#472 opened by kafitzgerald - 3
Calculating Enso with Xarray may need further documentation or instruction to get it to work
#445 opened by bressler95tops - 9
pythia_datasets module is broken on Binder
#441 opened by pdebuyl - 0
Xarray logo missing on several pages
#442 opened by brian-rose - 2
- 9
Problems Running content on Binder
#402 opened by MGomezN - 1
- 6
- 0
- 1
- 3
GitHub releases for Foundations
#344 opened by brian-rose - 0
Create data formats > tabular foundational material
#377 opened by dcamron - 3
Include combined "Time to learn" at the topic level
#384 opened by paigem - 0
References section for Foundations
#424 opened by brian-rose - 0
Build failing with link error
#428 opened by brian-rose - 1
- 7
- 0
- 10
Cartopy tutorial `stock_img()` error
#413 opened by r-ford - 0
- 0
Update Binder instructions and links
#404 opened by brian-rose - 0
Add a "how to cite" section
#396 opened by brian-rose - 4
Issue on page /landing-page.html
#399 opened by havenerk - 0
Moving the licensing and theme out of sight
#397 opened by ahuang11 - 5
Collect team members' ORCIDs for citation
#392 opened by brian-rose - 2
Foundations should be citable with a DOI
#309 opened by brian-rose - 22
Fix typos throughout foundations book
#337 opened by jukent - 3
Replace styfle/cancel-workflow-action
#325 opened by dopplershift - 2
Use Cookbook infrastructure
#335 opened by brian-rose - 0
- 5
⚠️ Nightly build failed ⚠️
#360 opened by github-actions - 2
- 6
Code errors on Xarray pages
#343 opened by brian-rose - 3
Link failure
#333 opened by brian-rose - 4
Broken link to Jupyter graphic
#328 opened by brian-rose - 0
Content on "How to Review a PR"
#287 opened by jukent - 8
Matplotlib content on setting consistent colorbars
#276 opened by brian-rose - 3
Contributor's able to merge directly to `main`
#306 opened by jukent - 3
Link checker failing
#302 opened by jnmorley - 0
Content on saving netCDF files to disk
#299 opened by jnmorley - 13
Issue on page /core/pandas/pandas.html
#292 opened by williamnicewonger - 1
Clarification on Running JupyterLab Notebooks
#288 opened by jnmorley - 1
Issue on page /core/xarray/enso-xarray.html
#278 opened by phil-blain - 2
- 0
- 10
Notebook does not work on Windows, "ImportError: DLL load failed while importing shell: The specified procedure could not be found."
#277 opened by phil-blain