
Document PYTHIA_DATASETS_DIR in pythia_datasets package

Closed this issue · 6 comments

ktyle commented

Datasets that are requested from pythia_datasets get stored in the user's .cache directory. Could we do something akin to what Cartopy does in terms of Natural Earth shapefiles, where one could define a different, networked-served directory?

The motivator here is for users who are running scripts or notebooks that use pythia_datasets but who may be logging into a networked-served Linux directory environment (such as in my department at UAlbany). Users' home directories, which is where the .cache directory sits, are limited to a mere 5GB of space.

@ktyle, users can override the default cache location by setting PYTHIA_DATASETS_DIR environment variable.

ktyle commented

Ok great!!

Can we get this info into our user guides somewhere?

clyne commented

This issue was closed. Did we get an issue opened to document the PYTHIA_DATASETS_DIR env. variable?

No. Suggest just reopening and retitling this issue.

I opened a PR over on the pythia-datasets repo to address this.

@ktyle Do we need to put any info about this somewhere in the Foundations material?