
How to Use This Book content needed

Closed this issue · 7 comments

clyne commented

We need to provide guidance on how to download and execute notebooks. We should probably also consider adding a callout in every notebook saying "you can browse the rendered notebook, but if you want to interact with the book contents you'll need to download and execute. Here's how..."

The easiest way to interact with the notebooks is by clicking on the Binder link.

Launching the interactive Binder is very slow the first time after a new push to main branch. But after that first launch, stores an image that gets reused, so the user experiences something that feels more plug-and-play.

clyne commented

Hah! Didn't even know that we had binder enabled. However, I still feel we may need to give users guidance that points them to Binder for the full experience if we want to reach newbies

Binder comes for free with JupyterBook :-)

If you look at the quickstart notebook I wrote here, it begins with some instructions for how to launch the Binder.

Personally I don't think this should be repeated in every notebook, but instructions DO belong in the "How to use this book" preamble.

We will author some new material for this.

This might be a nice place for a video demonstration in conjunction with written steps. I make a lot of these types of videos and could knock one out pretty quick, provided someone gave me the steps. Happy to contribute if folks are interested.

clyne commented

That is an an awesome idea, @ncorbin-id . Maybe we can team up on this. I could get a draft of the written documentation going, and once it passes review we could do the video. Sound good?

Sounds good @clyne. Keep me posted!