Here is a warrior, a creative man who illuminates your source code
SMK Wira Buana 2Depok, Indonesia
Pinned Repositories
Simple React Native Mobile App is a basic mobile application built using React Native. This app demonstrates fundamental concepts and features of React Native, providing a foundation for developing more complex mobile applications.
This repository contains my journey of learning PHP, focusing on basic PHP concepts, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP, database integration with MySQL, and practical projects such as materialStockAPP and feedbackAPP.
This is a simple blog application built using Laravel, as part of learning the basic concepts of the framework. The project is designed to practice and demonstrate fundamental features of Laravel such as routing, migrations, MVC architecture, Eloquent ORM, Blade templating, and more.
Cashier-App is a web-based cashier application built using React and other technologies such as API and JSONPlaceholder. The application is designed to help manage sales transactions easily and efficiently.
Repository ini berisi materi dan pelajaran untuk mempelajari JavaScript dari dasar hingga tingkat lanjutan. Pelajaran ini dirancang agar mudah dipahami, lengkap dengan contoh kode dan latihan praktis untuk membantu Anda menguasai JavaScript.
This repository provides an example implementation of AJAX for interactive searching on a website, utilizing an API to dynamically fetch data without needing to refresh the page. Leveraging AJAX technology, users experience seamless and responsive search interactions, while the API grants direct access to the latest data.
This repository aims to show my various projects in creating website pages, using HTML, CSS, Java Script and various libraries such as Tailwind, Bootstrap. ReactJS
NoteApp is a simple web application for managing your important notes. Built using the Laravel framework with Breeze for quick and easy user authentication. This app allows users to create, read, update, and delete their notes through a user-friendly interface.
Hello! My name is Ravel, and I’m a passionate Full Stack Developer currently studying at SMK Wira Buana. I have a deep interest in web development, particularly in building scalable and efficient applications.
Welcome to my personal portfolio website repository! This project showcases my Background , Skill, Project, and experiences as a Web Programmer, 2D/3D Design, and Student.
ProjectRavel's Repositories
Repository ini berisi materi dan pelajaran untuk mempelajari JavaScript dari dasar hingga tingkat lanjutan. Pelajaran ini dirancang agar mudah dipahami, lengkap dengan contoh kode dan latihan praktis untuk membantu Anda menguasai JavaScript.
This repository provides an example implementation of AJAX for interactive searching on a website, utilizing an API to dynamically fetch data without needing to refresh the page. Leveraging AJAX technology, users experience seamless and responsive search interactions, while the API grants direct access to the latest data.
This repository aims to show my various projects in creating website pages, using HTML, CSS, Java Script and various libraries such as Tailwind, Bootstrap. ReactJS
Hello! My name is Ravel, and I’m a passionate Full Stack Developer currently studying at SMK Wira Buana. I have a deep interest in web development, particularly in building scalable and efficient applications.
Welcome to my personal portfolio website repository! This project showcases my Background , Skill, Project, and experiences as a Web Programmer, 2D/3D Design, and Student.
Simple React Native Mobile App is a basic mobile application built using React Native. This app demonstrates fundamental concepts and features of React Native, providing a foundation for developing more complex mobile applications.
This repository contains my journey of learning PHP, focusing on basic PHP concepts, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP, database integration with MySQL, and practical projects such as materialStockAPP and feedbackAPP.
This is a simple blog application built using Laravel, as part of learning the basic concepts of the framework. The project is designed to practice and demonstrate fundamental features of Laravel such as routing, migrations, MVC architecture, Eloquent ORM, Blade templating, and more.
Cashier-App is a web-based cashier application built using React and other technologies such as API and JSONPlaceholder. The application is designed to help manage sales transactions easily and efficiently.
On Progress...
Game Web Shop is a web-based e-commerce application designed to provide an enjoyable shopping experience for gaming enthusiasts. Built with ReactJS, this application offers a dynamic and responsive interface for browsing, searching, and purchasing games effortlessly.
This repo was created to try out the git remote feature.
Welcome to the JavaScript DOM Manipulation repository! This repository is dedicated to providing comprehensive examples, tutorials, and projects focused on manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript.
Explore the power of JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) with this repository. Discover modern coding techniques including arrow functions, template literals, let and const declarations, class syntax, and modules. Perfect for developers seeking to enhance their JavaScript skills and adopt best practices in web development.
NoteApp is a simple web application for managing your important notes. Built using the Laravel framework with Breeze for quick and easy user authentication. This app allows users to create, read, update, and delete their notes through a user-friendly interface.
JavascriptDOM adalah proyek yang berfokus pada manipulasi Document Object Model (DOM) menggunakan JavaScript. Proyek ini dirancang untuk membantu pengembang web mempelajari dan menerapkan berbagai teknik manipulasi DOM, seperti mengubah elemen HTML, mengelola event, dan memperbarui gaya CSS secara dinamis.
This project is a ReactJS application focusing on frontend development features such as login functionality, a dynamic shop catalog integrated with an API, and a responsive cart table to manage selected items.
Repository untuk menyimpan rencana WPU kedepannya
A readme, about me! (v2, don't ask why :))