
make simple quiz for fun. created in java swing.

Primary LanguageJava


make simple quiz for fun. created in java swing. There are two panels admin panel who is able to see the result and also make quiz. Second is client-panel, where the exam is conducted.

Technologies Used

  1. Java swing
  2. MySQL database
  3. Developed in Eclipse IDE

How to use?

1) Run Directly

Windows user : To simply use this application just dubble click on 'CLIENT_RUNNER.jar' to work as a client or dubble click on 'SERVER_RUNNER.jar' to work as an admin both are located on their corresponding folders.
Linux user :open terminal -> locate 'Quiz-Client' to work as a client and run the following command

java -jar 'CLIENT_RUNNER.jar'

or locate 'Quiz_Server' to work as an admin and run the following command

java -jar 'SERVER_RUNNER.jar'

you also need to configur database.

2) Run with Code

Step-1 : After downloading, you have to keep this project on your workspace. Check your workspace from Eclipse OR you can also change your workspace by
file->SwitchWorkspace->Other and choose your workspace.

Step-2 : Open eclipse IDE : go to file->Open Project from file system-> locate your workspace and select the project(Quiz-Maker) folder -> click on open -> finish
this will open the both the client and server

Step-3 : Here you also need to fix the build path problem : To do that
right click on Quiz-Client -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> under the Libraries tab -> Classpath -> click on mysql-connector-j-8.0.32.jar and Remove It because you need to re-add this in order to run your project

after removeing click on Classpath -> Add External jars -> locate jar file (Quiz-Maker/Quiz_Client/mysql-connector-j-8.0.32.jar) and ADD it

You need to step 3 again for Quiz-Server and the path where the jar is located is (Quiz-Maker/Quiz_Server/mysql-connector-j-8.0.32.jar). ------- the both jars are same, so you can mix them without any fear -------

Step-4 : After configuring build path you are able to run this application to run this, right click on project(Quiz_Server or Quiz_Client) -> Run As -> Java Application

Step-5 : Thanks for reading this.

Database configuration

To configure the database the passwords are :
For client ==> EXAM@CLIENT
For server ==> EXAM@SERVER

you need to have MySQL installed in your Computer create database for this project you can use any name
You need to configure both Client and Admin with database

  1. To configure admin run Admin panel ->Main->Database Entry
  2. To configure client run client panel -> on the right-bottom corner you can see an icon click on it

HOSTNAME - if you are using MySQL in your computer this should be localhost
DATABASE - enter your database name here if you don't have one, -- create it
USERNAME - enter your username, MySQL has default username of root
PASSWORD - enter your database password here, MySQL has default password nothing, you don't need to fill this
PORT - if you are using MySQL this should be 3306

after filling these details click on commit


Admin Panel

screenshots screenshots
screenshots screenshots

Client Panel

screenshots screenshots
screenshots screenshots


Just play with it ---- !