
Code Butler is a command line tool and VS code extension for your C# files at your service. This tool is heavily inspired by CodeMaid. As it is available as as a stand-alone version and as a Visual Studio Code extension, this tool will provide similar features.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Code Butler

⚠️ ARCHIVED: Code Butler will be continued at just-seba/code-butler.

Code Butler is a command line tool and VS code extension for your C# files at your service.
This tool is heavily inspired by CodeMaid. As it is available as as a stand-alone version and as a Visual Studio Code extension, this tool will provide similar features.


Using this tool will cleanup your C# file by

  1. reorganizing the layout of the members in the C# file to follow Microsoft's StyleCop conventions
  2. sorting it's using directives
  3. removes trailing whitespace and consecutive blank lines
  4. (only in VS code extension) executing Format Document command.

as described below.

VS code extension

  • Run code cleanup on save (disabled by default)

Reorganize the layout of members in a C# file to follow Microsoft's StyleCop conventions

First by type:

  1. Field
  2. Constructor
  3. Destructor
  4. Delegate
  5. Event
  6. Enum
  7. Interface
  8. Property
  9. Indexer
  10. Operator
  11. Method
  12. Struct
  13. Class

Then by access modifier:

  1. public
  2. internal
  3. protected
  4. protected internal
  5. private protected
  6. private

Then by additional modifiers:

  1. const
  2. static readonly
  3. static
  4. readonly
  5. none

And finally alphabetically.

Warning: #region ... #endregion is not supported.

Sort using directives

Sorts using directives alphabetically while placing System directives first and taking into account the following order:

  1. "Normal" using directives
  2. Aliased using statements (e.g. using MyAlias = Example.Bar)
  3. Static using statements (e.g. using static System.Math)


using System;
using Example;
using Example.Foo;
using MyAlias = Example.Bar;
using static System.Math;

Removes trailing whitespace and consecutive blank lines

  • Removes trailing whitespace.
  • Removes consecutive blank lines.



Visual Studio Code Extension

Execute command Code Butler: Cleanup C# file while editing a C# file to clean it up.

Command line tool:

File mode: dotnet CodeButler.Console.dll path/to/MyClass.cs
Pipe mode: type MyClass.cs | dotnet CodeButler.Console.dll > MyClass.Reorganized.cs
