
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Portfolio Page

License: MIT


This application is my personal portfolio webpage. Users are able to view information about me, six portfolio entries, a contact form that has input validation, and a résumé page. The footer also features links to my social accounts.

This is a React app written with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSX, and is publicly deployed on GitHub Pages.

Picture of the Portfolio Page

Table of Contents

Link to Deployed Application


User Story

This Portfolio Page application was created to meet the requirements of the following user story:

AS AN employer looking for candidates with experience building single-page applications
I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed React portfolio of work samples
SO THAT I can assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position


If you would like to run the webpage locally instead of visiting the deployed application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository, or download and extract an archive of it
  2. Run "npm install" to obtain the required dependencies


  1. Invoke the app with "npm start" or "react-scripts start"
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/dtb-portfolio-page/ to begin browsing the website


There is no test suite included with this application.


Application written by Daniel Birmingham (GitHub profile).


The MIT License


This project is not open to contributions at this time.


You may reach me via any of the social links featured on my portfolion page with any additional questions you may have.