All my python fundamental practice
- Installing Anaconda.
- Hello World Jupyter Notebook.
- Learnt basic md syntax.
- Variables
- Rules to declare variables
- Classification of data types
- Introduction to data types
- Introduction to string data type
- String methods
- Strings continuation
- f-Strings
- White Spaces
- Tab delimiter
- New Line delimiter
- Custom White spacing
- Removing white spacing using string methods
- Introduction to List data type
- Indexing
- Reassignment
- Append
- Insert
- Delete
- Pop
- Continuation of Lists
- Sort
- Sorted
- Reverse
- Len
- Introduction to for loops
- Continution of for loops
- Printing with for loops
- If-else conditions
- Slicing of lists
- Range
- Slicing step count
- Negative indexing
- Reverse printing
- Introduction to Tuples
- Introduction to Dictionary Data type
- Access individual elements
- KeyError
- Adding key-value pairs
- Modify values
- Delete key-value pairs
- Continuation with Dictionary Data type
- Looping
- items()
- keys()
- values()
- Introduction to conditional-statements
- User Input
- Int Input
- Typecasting of data types
- Validate the age criterion
- Introduction to functions
- Docstrings
- Introduction to parameters and arguments
- Types of arguments
- Default arguments
- Arbitrary number of arguments