
Add Google Recaptcha v3 to some forms in Sylius to prevent spam

Primary LanguagePHP

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Sylius Plugin adding Google Recaptcha V3 integration

This plugin is adding Google Recaptcha V3 to the following forms :

  • Contact form
  • Registration form

But an abstract class is available to add the captcha field to any other Form\Extension


composer require prometee/sylius-google-recaptcha-v3-plugin


Enable this plugin :


# config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Prometee\SyliusGoogleRecaptchaV3Plugin\PrometeeSyliusGoogleRecaptchaV3Plugin::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

This plugin is using the karser/karser-recaptcha3-bundle to handle the validation of the Google Recaptcha V3, so a little configuration have to be made. Add or modify the karser/karser-recaptcha3-bundle configuration :

# config/packages/karser_recaptcha3.yaml

    host: 'www.recaptcha.net' # in case 'www.google.com' is not accessible (from China for example)
    site_key: '%env(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY)%'
    secret_key: '%env(GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET)%'
    score_threshold: 0.5

Finally add your site key and secret to your .env.local file :

###> google/recaptcha ###
###< google/recaptcha ###