
A curated list of awesome Lua scripts, tutorials, resources and third party tools about Dual Universe.


A curated list of awesome Lua scripts, tutorials, resources and third party tools about Dual Universe.

Note that as Pre-Alpha/Alpha stages are under NDA, this list may be quickly outdated with current development version.

All kind of contributions are welcome ! Process to be listed:

  • Create a Pull Request with the name of a resource, an URL and a very brief description of the content.
  • If approved, it will be added! ;)

🌠 Dual Universe Roadmap

Dual universe is still under active development. This temporary section displays major milestones before official release.


📃 Lua Scripting

This section is about Lua scripting in Dual Universe and not related to Lua general use cases. For lua specific resources, you should check awesome-lua.

Community Scripts

Lua scripts maintained by the community.


  • DU-Orbital-HUD - HUD with orbital information, braking distances, and Rezoix's pitch/roll hud with some fixes

Programming Board - Screens

  • DU-OreMonitor - Set of LUA scripts to setup screens that display ore name, quantity in tons, % of how full a container is and status color coded based on ore % levels
  • DU-FuelScreen - Fuel Screen script designed to automatically detect and adapt to any given tank configuration
  • Space Map Warp Calculator - Space map with warp calculation, displays speed and chosen destination.
  • Dual Universe Juvenius Floating Clock - This LUA Code ingame clock does not uses screens or signs to display time but a method of floating number stickers that change over time. With the Aid of a programing board you can put the clock on any construct.


Online tutorials about Lua scripting in Dual Universe.

Scripting Tools and Resources

Various tools and resources for in-game Lua scripting.

  • dual.sh - Codex - Unofficial cripting guide and API reference.
  • VSCode plugin - Visual Studio Code extension to manage Lua projects for Dual Universe outside of the game.
  • GamePedia Wiki - Gamepedia wiki centralizing available informations about Dual Universe.
  • DU DevDiary Scripting Showcase - A showcase of the scripting feature from the DU Youtube channel (2017)

🔨 Third party tools

Third party applications and tools about Dual Universe.

  • dual.sh - Collection of usefull tools: Scripting guide and reference, Calculators, Engineering tools, Map...

🍺 Developer resources

Resources for third party development. (APIs, Docs, Tutorials, ...)

Empty section

❤️ Community