PostGraphile / PropelAuth Multi-Tenant Starter Example

This repo contains three folders:

  • backend - An Express backend using PostGraphile to generate instant GraphQL endpoints based on a Postgres schema. Uses PropelAuth and Postgres Row Level Security for multi-tenant / B2B authentication.
  • database - An example DB schema
  • frontend - A Next.js (React) application that uses Apollo client to make GraphQL queries and PropelAuth to manage organizations/tenants.

Getting started

A blog post detailing everything in this repo is available here.

To get started, you'll need to first:

  1. Install and run Postgres. You can do this with a native client or with Docker.
  2. Hydrate your database. You can either use the example schema in database/schema.sql or modify it and use your own.
  3. Set up PropelAuth and update frontend/.env and backend/.env with your AUTH_URL and API_KEY. See the Getting started guide for more information.
  4. Run the frontend
$ yarn dev
  1. Run the backend
yarn start

And that's it. The frontend is alredy set up with an AuthenticatedApolloProvider which will automatically include the auth and organization/tenant information on every request.


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