
A Genesis Kit for Concourse CI/CD

Primary LanguageShell

Concourse Genesis Kit

This is a Genesis Kit for the Concourse CI/CD System. It will deploy a fully functional Concourse environment for use pipelining BOSH deployments managed by Genesis, and any CI/CD tasks you want to throw at it.

By default, this Concourse deployment includes the locker API colocated along the Concourse database, so that the locker-resource portions of the Genesis deployment pipelines will work. It is general purpose enough to use as a locking system for any other Concourse jobs, should you wish to make use of it.

Quick Start

To use it, you don't even need to clone this repository! Just run the following (using Genesis v2):

# create a concourse-deployments repo using the latest version of the concourse kit
genesis init --kit concourse

# create a concourse-deployments repo using v1.0.0 of the concourse kit
genesis init --kit concourse/1.0.0

# create a my-concourse-configs repo using the latest version of the concourse kit
genesis init --kit concourse -d my-concourse-configs


Authentication Backends

When deploying Concourse, this kit provides four options for configuring how users authenticate to Concourses. One of these three must be specified:

  • github-oauth - Sets up OAuth2 using github.com as the OAuth provider.
  • github-enterprise-oauth - Sets up OAuth2 using a GitHub Enterprise installation as the OAuth provider.
  • cf-oauth - Sets up Oauth2 using a user supplied UAA as the OAuth provider
  • HTTP Basic Auth - Not actually a subkit, but if no other auth backends are provided, this will be used.


The SHIELD subit adds the SHIELD agent to the Concourse deployment, so that its data can be backed up via SHIELD.


When deploying Concourse on azure, you may want to consider the azure subkit for reconfiguring the availability zones in play. Since Azure uses availability sets, rather than zones, there is typically only one zone in play for networks/VMs, and the availability set would be defined by the Azure CPI automatically, or via cloud_properties in your Cloud Config.


This subkit lets you deploy a just the worker instances of a full Concourse, provided that you have an upstream Concourse (the "main Concourse") to hook them up to. This is useful for disconnected and sequestered environments, where a single Concourse would be unable to contact all of your different BOSH directors or Cloud Foundry instances.


Base Params

  • params.external_url - This is the external URL that users will use to access Concourse.

  • SSL PEM - Concourse requires an SSL certificate to be accessed using https. This should be a PEM file containing the SSL certificate + Private Key. The data will be stored in Vault under secret/path/to/env/concourse/ssl:combined.

  • params.concourse_vm_type - The vm_type to use for all Concourse VMs, by default. For any serious pipeline usage, you will want to also set params.worker_vm_type, to get more ephemeral disk for the workers. Defaults to concourse.

  • params.haproxy_vm_type - The vm_type to use for haproxy VMs, if you are deploying those. Defaults to whatever params.concourse_vm_type has been set to.

  • params.web_vm_type - The vm_type to use for web (TSA / ATC) nodes. Defaults to whatever params.concourse_vm_type has been set to.

  • params.db_vm_type - The vm_type to use for the database node. Defaults to whatever params.concourse_vm_type has been set to.

  • params.worker_vm_type - The vm_type to use for workers. Defaults to whatever params.concourse_vm_type has been set to, which may not be the best.

  • params.concourse_network - The name of the BOSH cloud-config network that Concourse will be deployed into. Defaults to concourse.

  • params.concourse_disk_type - The disk_type is used only on the database node, for sizing the persistent disk which will house all of our build logs and pipeline output.

github-oauth Params

  • OAuth Client ID - The client_id provided by GitHub when creating the OAuth integration for Concourse. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_key
  • OAuth Client Secret - The client_secret provided by GitHub when creating the OAuth integration for concourse. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_secret
  • params.authz_allowed_orgs - A list of GitHub orgs whose users will be granted access to Concourse.

github-enterprise-oauth Params

  • params.github_api_uri - the API URL for the GitHub Enterprise server that is used for OAuth. For example: https://github.example.com/api/v3/
  • params.github_token_uri - the URL of the token API for the GitHub Enterprise server used for OAuth. For example: https://github.example.com/login/oauth/access_token
  • params.github_auth_url - the URL of the Auth API for the GitHub Enterprise server used for OAuth. For example: https://github.example.com/login/oauth/authorize
  • OAuth Client ID - The client_id provided by GitHub when creating the OAuth integration for Concourse. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_key
  • OAuth Client Secret - The client_secret provided by GitHub when creating the OAuth integration for concourse. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_secret
  • params.authz_allowed_orgs - A list of GitHub orgs whose users will be granted access to Concourse.

cf-oauth Params

  • params.cf_api_uri - the API URL for the iCloud Foundry whose UAA will be used for authentication. For example: https://api.system.bosh-lite.com
  • params.cf_token_uri - the URL of the token API for the UAA used for OAuth. For example: `https://login.system.bosh-lite.com/oauth/token
  • params.github_auth_url - the URL of the Auth API for the UAA used for OAuth. For example: https://login.system.bosh-lite.com/oauth/authorize
  • OAuth Client ID - The client_id of the UAA client being used to connect Concourse to the UAA for token validation/verification, and group membership retrieval during OAuth. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_key.
  • OAuth Client Secret - The client_secret of the UAA client being used to connect Concourse to the UAA for token validation/verification, and group membership retrieval during OAuth. This will be stored in Vault at secret/path/to/env/concourse/oauth:provider_secret.
  • params.authz_allowed_groups - A list of UAA groups whose users will be granted access to Concourse.

Shield Params

  • params.shield_key_vault_path - A Vault path to the SHIELD daemon's public SSH key This is used to authenticate the SHIELD daemon to the agent, when running tasks.

    For example: secret/us/proto/shield/agent:public

workers-only Params

Note that the workers-only subkit actively removes parts of the Concourse deployment topology from the manifest, so a lot of the above subkits don't work with it, and a some of the base parameters (like params.external_domain) are no longer required.

  • tsa_host - The IP address of the main Concourse's TSA instance. This parameter is required.
  • tsa_port - The TCP port that the workers should contact the main Concourse TSA node on. Defaults to 2222, which should suffice for most deployments.
  • tsa_key_path - Where in the Vault can Genesis find the TSA host key, to allow the worker to safely connect to the TSA. This path is specified without the leading "secret/" path. Usually, this is something like "my/env/concourse/tsa/host_key". This parameter is required.
  • worker_key_path - Where in the Vault can Genesis find the Concourse Worker key that is already trusted by the TSA? This path is specified without the leading "secret/" path. Usually, this is something like "my/env/concourse/tsa/worker_key". This parameter is required.

Cloud Config

By default, this kit uses the following VM types/networks/disk pools from your Cloud Config. Feel free to override them in your environment, if you would rather they use entities already existing in your Cloud Foundry:

  concourse_network:   concourse
  concourse_disk_pool: concourse # should be at least 10GB (used for the concourse DB)
  concourse_vm_type:   small # VMs should have at least 2 CPUs, and 4GB of memory