
In a simple calculator we can just do simple mathematical operations but we can also use our calculator to calculate cricket scores. Just using some buttons which will generate the score and we can easily enjoy the game infront og us in a smart way.


  • Simple Mathematical Operations
  • Cricket Score Calculation

Advanced Features

  • Cricket Score of One Day, T20 and Test Matches
  • Run Rate changes at every ball
  • Powerplay 1,2,3 in ODI and T20 Matches
  • Detailed value of Extra like (b 0,lb 0,n 0,w 0,p 0)
  • Having Day 1,2,3,4,5 and Session 1,2,3 in Test Match

App Preview

  Home Page

Home Page

 Normal Mode

Normal Mode Page

Match Options

Match Options Page

Cricket Mode

Crick Mode Page

One Day Mode

One day Mode Page

T20 Mode

One day Mode Page

Test Mode

One day Mode Page

Getting started


  • Your computer must be running Windows 10, version 1803 or newer.
  • JRE 1.8
  • 2 GB RAM

Get the project : git clone

Import the project and run it.


Reach out to our team (XENON) at one of the following places!

Prosanto Deb
 Sultana Marjan
 Md Alamgir Hossain