- This is a work in progress
- The goal of this guide is to create:
- A premined cryptocurrency
- node
- simplewallet
- walletd
- miner
- GUI wallet
- You need at least two Ubuntu 16.04 servers before you start to act as seed nodes
1. sudo apt-get update
2. sudo apt-get upgrade
3. wget https://github.com/forknote/forknote/releases/download/2.1.2/forknote-linux.tar.gz
4. tar -zxvf forknote-linux.tar.gz
5. Generate a config file online at http://forknote.net/create/
1. Add seed nodes to the configuration
2. Leave premined address blank
3. Leave genesis block blank
6. After generating the config file, manually edit the following values:
1. Set the value of "UPGRADE_HEIGHT_V3" to "2"
7. ./simplewallet --config-file configs/fakecoin.conf --generate-new-wallet genesis.wallet --password 12345
8. Copy new wallet address (For example, FSgLDzpszX3S3RMK5p8PfCeY1eqchFSZsf5LcgPsA4EcJ6wpXrKGr7AViBqLATZ9K6CqQPgR8opQq6zY2HTCsVuWEANv6pq)
9. ./forknoted --config-file configs/fakecoin.conf --print-genesis-tx --genesis-block-reward-address FSgLDzpszX3S3RMK5p8PfCeY1eqchFSZsf5LcgPsA4EcJ6wpXrKGr7AViBqLATZ9K6CqQPgR8opQq6zY2HTCsVuWEANv6pq
10. Copy genesis block and add it to configs/fakecoin.conf, it should be without spaces or new lines, if there is a space in the genesis block you did something wrong (For example, GENESIS_COINBASE_TX_HEX=010a01ff0001e4e7cc99b3e6cc993302ebc5f7d91fcfd005a97c9edfa06caf50025b816603a59c60f5341c167a59df2b21015679abce2289c95178a76d111faaadacb3f71584555f395b16804819880085df)
1. git clone https://github.com/forknote/cryptonote-generator
2. cd cryptonote-generator
3. bash install_dependencies.sh
4. sudo apt-get -y install libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev (@TODO: Merge pull request on forknote repository)
5. Create fakecoin.json, add the GENESIS_COINBASE_TX_HEX and make sure that your .conf and .json configuration file has the exact same values
6. In the extensions section of the .json, add any additional extension you need on your coin (You can see the extensions at https://github.com/forknote/cryptonote-generator/tree/master/extensions)
7. Add fakecoin.json to generator/configs
8. bash generator.sh -f configs/fakecoin.json -c '-j2'
9. After the generation process is finished, use Cyberduck or any other SFTP client to transfer generated_files/builds/yourfakecoin.tar.gz to the second node
1. tar -zxvf yourfakecoin.tar.gz
2. nohup ./fakecoind & (@TODO: Demonize the seed node)
1. If you have Ubuntu/OSX locally, use Cyberduck or any other SFTP client to download generated_files/builds/yourfakecoin.tar.gz
2. Run the generated daemon and wait until it syncs
1. ./fakecoind
3. To start mining
1. ./miner --address FSgLDzpszX3S3RMK5p8PfCeY1eqchFSZsf5LcgPsA4EcJ6wpXrKGr7AViBqLATZ9K6CqQPgR8opQq6zY2HTCsVuWEANv6pq
4. Use simplewallet to use your wallet
1. /simplewallet
1. You need to use the --SYNC_FROM_ZERO command in your simplewallet to sync from block 0 (genesis block) to see the reward. Remember, you need to be past block 10 and mine at least one block in your reward address.
1. sudo apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 git cmake libboost1.58-all-dev librocksdb-dev libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
2. rm -rf build; mkdir -p build/release; cd build/release
3. cmake -D STATIC=ON -D ARCH="default" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../..
4. PORTABLE=1 make
1. You need to have the following dependencies installed:
1. Windows 10
2. Boost 1.59
3. Visual Studio 2017
2. mkdir build
3. cd build
4. cmake.exe -DBOOST_ROOT=C:\boost_1_59_0 -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\boost_1_59_0\libs -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ..
5. Open Bytecoin.snl in Visual Studio 2017 and change target to "Release" "x64"
6. From the Solution explorer, build "external" and then build "ALL_BUILD"
7. You will find your compiled files at build/src/Release (yourcoind.exe, miner.exe, simplewallet.exe and walletd.exe)
- A: You need to start mining, by default you will get the reward after mining past block 10
- A: Edit the value of MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_INITIAL
- A: Check out https://github.com/inbestcoin/inbestcoin and https://github.com/inbestcoin/inbestcoin-gui
- A: Depends on your coin, but these should do the trick:
- "core/bytecoin.json"
- "versionized-parameters.json"
- "print-genesis-tx.json"
- "genesis-block-reward.json"
- "bug-fixes.json"
- "zawy-difficulty-algorithm.json"
- "enable-cors.json"
- "blockchain-explorer.json"
- See this for a comprenhensive explanation: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/3308/what-is-a-mixin-and-how-does-it-work
- Follow @zmrhab fix for this: forknote/forknote#41 (comment)
- There is a bug that makes the difficulty of 5th or 6th block very high if the miner mines the first blocks very fast. A workaround now is to stop the miner right after you start it, before it mines 4 blocks. Then wait a few seconds and then relaunch it.
1. Fix repo that references a submodule that doesn't exist
2. mkdir build
3. cd build
4. cmake.exe -DBOOST_ROOT=C:\boost_1_59_0 -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\boost_1_59_0\libs\ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=D:\Qt\5.10.0\msvc2015_64 -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" ..
5. Open fakecoin.sln in Visual Studio 2017
6. Change to release and compile solution
xcode-select --install brew install cmake brew install boost brew install qt
Download YourcoinCode Download Intensecoin Code: (We only need Wallet, PaymentGateService, External folders from here) REPLACE: YourcoinCode/Wallet, YourcoinCode/PaymentGateService, YourcoinCode/External WITH:
Intensecoin/Wallet, Intensecoin/PaymentGateService, Intensecoin/External
Download IntencoinWallet GUI cd IntencoinWallet rm -Rf cryptonote ln -s ../YourcoinCode cryptonote
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DSTATIC=1 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1 .. && make
cd Build /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1/bin/./macdeployqt Intensecoin.app -dmg
Files you need to modify in your coin to match intensecoingui and be able to compile under Windows 10
- external/rocksdb
- external/CMakeLists.txt
- src/PaymentGateService/PaymentGateService.cpp
- src/Wallet/WalletGreen.cpp
- src/Wallet/WalletGreen.h
- tests/CMakeLists.txt
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/CryptoNoteWrapper/CryptoNoteAdapter.cpp
- CryptoNoteWallet.cmake
If you do a search and replace on intensecoingui (intensecoin to fakecoin and/or intense coin to fakecoin), you need to rename the following files
- src/images/intensecoin.icns to fakecoin.icns
- src/images/intensecoin.ico to fakecoin.ico
- src/images/intensecoin.png to fakecoin.png
- intensecoinwallet.desktop to fakecoinwallet.desktop
- intensecoinwallet.qss to fakecoinnwallet.qss
- src/icons/logo.png
- src/icons/logo_bl.png
- src/images/cryptonote.ico
- src/images/cryptonote.icns
- src/images/cryptonote.png
- src/images/intensecoin.ico
- src/images/intensecoin.icns
- src/images/intensecoin.png
- src/images/splash.png