Ecommerce Sample App by Chan D Demo URL:

To run this app locally, you'll need to have Node installed with npm (npm run dev) or with yarn (yarn dev).

This sample app demonstrates the usage of Tailwind CSS (v2.2) with Next.js. It follows the steps outlined in the official Tailwind documentation.

It utilizes Tailwind CSS's Just-in-Time mode for improved efficiency.

Why didn't I use Styled Components? I'm currently experimenting with Tailwind CSS. If you're interested in seeing my work with styled-components in action, you can check out this repository: Protean Card Editor.

Why didn't I use TypeScript and Redux? At the moment, I didn't want to introduce too much complexity to this demo project.

Why didn't I use Next.js's page routes? Currently, there's no immediate need for it. However, if I have more time in the future, I'll consider improving this demo to utilize Next.js's page routes.

This project employs the following combinations to achieve simplicity:

  • Next.js's API Routes and axios for fetching data from
  • React's Context API for managing app state
  • localStorage for persisting data
  • Tailwind CSS and Tippy for UI
  • Service Workers to enable offline functionality for the entire site