- 4
Segfault (SEGV_MTESERR) when MTE is enabled
#151 opened by OneDeuxTriSeiGo - 1
How does ProtonVPN implement PiP mode?
#154 opened by Korb - 1
Are you blocking clients by its version?
#139 opened by dfxhub - 3
In that version you can choose the country
#118 opened by Bigyellow9 - 0
#153 opened by Korb - 1
- 15
- 2
Still no updates on F-Droid October 2024
#150 opened by Oclair - 0
- 1 and are identical
#149 opened by BHydden - 8
App updates offered on google play before f-droid
#135 opened by Oclair - 0
It takes too long to connect?
#141 opened by lavara123 - 1
VPN not opening on quest 3
#147 opened by nawpsa - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 3
Uninstall / Reinstall With Latest Update
#142 opened by Gitchick57 - 5
New signature
#143 opened by Blend0963 - 1
- 1
Why do ProtonVPN make GitHub API request Timeout?
#137 opened by Sami32 - 8
Default connection profile gone
#128 opened by toxpal - 0
Does this DNS traffic leak also affect ProtonVPN?
#134 opened by FossLover0 - 2
#123 opened by NTURN012 - 0
Alternative api endpoint should have other ports
#132 opened by mkevinstever - 0
Surprising handshake behaviour
#133 opened by CoderLordOfSECRETS - 1
- 0
Unable to connect to ProtonVPN with LAN Connection Enabled on network with LAN network disabled
#131 opened by drannex42 - 1
Updating GitHub ProtonVPN to v5.1.82.0?
#129 opened by TreadGainfully - 0
Automatic change server
#127 opened by ys-pro-duction - 0
Change btn server on notification
#126 opened by ys-pro-duction - 0
Idea: Improve Ideas for Stealth protocol
#119 opened by mdaylight - 0
Auto select protocol should be more humanity
#120 opened by mkevinstever - 2
Slow speed
#125 opened by Antonio3364 - 0
NetShield Improvements and restore previous feature
#124 opened by PeterKW - 1
- 1
about display language
#116 opened by wenweilong - 3
Cannot download apk from china
#111 opened by srghma - 1
Where are the widgets?
#110 opened by tawashi123 - 1
Download of rd.txt & td.txt automatically
#114 opened by RasheedAZ - 0
Update on Custom DNS in Android App
#113 opened by Tombstone2K - 0
What were the protocols that were removed in the recent versions of android client ?
#109 opened by Rexadev - 1
- 2
Update with ProtonVPN- not possible
#106 opened by somehuman60 - 1
No apk this time?
#105 opened by Grkrz - 3
- 8
F-Droid can't build
#103 opened by licaon-kter - 0
cannot resolve IOpenVpnServiceInternal
#102 opened by amirhossinD - 1
Leaks outside VPN while using Hotspot
#99 opened by git70 - 16
F-Droid can't build
#98 opened by licaon-kter