
Patches for civ plugins

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This project is a series of patches for Civ plugins intended as a means to learn about patching and the viability of doing so with actively developed upstreams. But it's also an attempt to avoid the threat of catastrophic rewrite given that this project and its patches naturally inherit Bukkit's GPLv3 licence.


  1. Install Java 17: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-17-ug/downloads-list.html

  2. Install git: https://git-scm.com/downloads

    • You'll need to set your global user details:

      • git config --global user.name "<your name>"

      • git config --global user.email "<a non-person email>"

  3. Install just: https://github.com/casey/just#installation


  1. Clone this repository: git clone --recursive https://github.com/Protonull/CivPatched.git

  2. Run just applyPatches in a terminal.

  3. Open a submodule project in your preferred IDE.

  4. Commit your changes within that project's submodule repo.

  5. Run just generatePatches in a terminal.

  6. Commit those patches within to CivPatched!


Your commits to the respective project submodule will cause it to appear modified within CivPatched's git tracking. Do NOT commit that. You'd be updating that project's submodule to a ghost-commit that only exists after the patches have been applied. Don't discard the change either as that will wholly reset the project submodule back to its cloned-commit. Just ignore it.


Patches to existing code ought to be kept as minimal and distinct as possible, for example:

  • Single-line changes should be suffixed with a comment, like so:

    public static final String SOME_STATIC_VALUE = "Hello, World!"; // CivPatched: This is needed for some purpose.
  • Otherwise, multi-line changes should be comment-wrapped, like so:

    // CivPatched Start: Add some method for some reason
    public boolean someMethod() {
        return true;
    // CivPatched End
  • Where possible and not redundant, these comments should be given a short explanation.

  • Avoid impacting imports, try using fully-qualified names instead, like so:

    final String name = vg.civcraft.mc.namelayer.NameAPI.getCurrentName(playerUUID);


Contributions to this project will likewise be licensed under GPLv3.