
Protospace URL Shortener

Primary LanguagePHP

==         Protomin         ==
==      URL minimizer       ==

o Modify .htaccess to properly
    protect the schema.php and
    create.php files.
o Update config.php with your
o run schema.php to create the
    tables and/or the database.
o run create.php to create
    minified urls.
  i create.php expects a GET
    request with
    ?url=http://myurl as a
    query parameter.
  i running create.php without
    this parameter will
    display a url creation
  i once a url is created
    create.php will return the
    minified url as plain text.
    This url is based off of
    your configuration.
==          Schema          ==

- urls                       -
- id int(11) PK AI           -
-   the hex representation of-
-   this value is the        -
-   minified url argument.   -
- created datetime NN        -
-   the time when the url was-
-   created.                 -

- urltracking                -
- id int(11) PK AI           -
- urlId int(11) NN           -
-    loose reference to urls -
- time datetime NN           -
-    time this record was    -
-    inserted.               -
- clientip varchar(45)       -
-    requesting client's ip  -
- method varchar(10)         -
-    http method used for the-
-    request.                -
- serverRequestTime varchar  -
   (45)                      -
-    the time the request was-
-    made.
- useragent text             -
-    client's user agent.    -
- referer text               -
-    client's refering url.  -
- querystring text           -
-    the query string on the -
-    request uri             -
- requesturi text            -
-    the request made by the -
-    client. This will be the-
-    minified url.           -

==    Thomas LaFreniere     ==
==    December 22, 2011     ==