
An official proxy of Fog Network and Ludicrous, smoke is a gateway for evading censorship

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is deprecated! It has been remade as Palladium!


An official proxy of Fog Network and Ludicrous, smoke is a gateway for uncensored internet

Setup Locally

cd smoke
npm install
npm start


    "port": "10000",
    "prefix": "/go/",
    "title": "Service",
    "blockedHosts": [],
    "blockedIp": []

"port": "8080" Changes the port

"prefix": "/go/" Changes the prefix for the proxy

"title": "Service" Changes the title of websites

"blockedHosts": [{"url": "https://example.com", "reason": "No Access"}, {"url": "https://example.org"}] Websites blocked by proxy

"blockedIp": [] Websites blocked by Ip

Make my EnderKingJ and Nebelung