is an HttpMessageHandler
that will route requests to
another handler based on the origin the handler is registered against. It's
primary use case is to be using in acceptance / integration testing with multiple
ASP.NET Core applications via TestServer
Typical scenarios include:
Use a single
in acceptance/integration tests when issuing requests to two or more independent applications: -
Providing a handler to a service that needs to make calls to one or more other services:
Combined with ProxyKit to test the behaviour of your system with two instances of your application behind a reverse proxy / load balancer:
Install the NuGet package:
dotnet package add ProxyKit.RoutingHandler
This example creates two TestServer, registers them with an origin each and
shows how a request from HttpClient
is routed to the respective TestServer
var routingHandler = new RoutingMessageHandler();
// Create the two Test Servers
var fooWebHostBuilder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder<FooStartup>(Array.Empty<string>());
var fooTestServer = new TestServer(fooWebHostBuilder);
var barWebHostBuilder = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder<BarStartup>(Array.Empty<string>());
var barTestServer = new TestServer(barWebHostBuilder);
// Register the test servers against their respective origins
routingHandler.AddHandler("http://foo", fooTestServer.CreateHandler());
routingHandler.AddHandler("http://bar", barTestServer.CreateHandler());
// Configure your HttpClient with the routing handler
var client = new HttpClient(routingHandler);
// Requests to specific origins should be routed to the correct TestServer
var fooResponse = await client.GetAsync("http://foo");
(await fooResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).ShouldBe("foo");
var barResponse = await client.GetAsync("http://bar");
(await barResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).ShouldBe("bar");
The build requires Docker to ensure portability with CI.
On Windows:
On Linux:
To build without docker, .NET Core SDK 3.1 is required.
On Windows:
On Linux:
Any ideas for features, bugs or questions, please create an issue. Pull requests gratefully accepted but please create an issue for discussion first.
I can be reached on twitter at @randompunter