Makers Program


This is the repository for "Makers Program" for Tec de Monterrey. This project will aid in promoting and incrementing the protoyping capabilities for the Tec community. It provides a platform to consult shared spaces and devices within the Monterrey campus for prototype fabrication.

Table of contents

Client Details

Nombre Email Rol
Azael Jesús Cortés Capetillo Cliente
Julio Noriega Velasco Asociado al Cliente
Alejandra Díaz de León Lastras Asociado al Cliente

Environment URLS


Name Email Rol
Aldo Cervantes Desarrollo
Diego Astiazarán Desarrollo
Erik Torres Desarrollo
Héctor Morales Desarrollo
Alejandro Lara Desarrollo
Diego Treviño Desarrollo
Jorge Ramirez Desarrollo

Technology Stack

Technology Version
Docker 19.03.2
Ruby 2.5.3
Rails 5.2.3
PostgreSQL 9.6.15

Management tools

You should ask for access to this tools if you don't have it already:


Setup the project locally

To run the project, you will need to make sure you have Docker installed on your machine.

After installing, you can follow this simple steps:

  1. Clone this repository into your local machine
$ git clone
  1. Add Needed Ruby Enviormental variables

They should be added into a file config/local_env.yml or be setup into your enviorment including the following variables:

  1. Navigate to the makers/ directory and run:
$ docker-compose build
  1. Once the Docker image is built:
$ docker-compose run web bash

This command will open a bash session inside the container, from which you can interact directly with the rails application.

  1. Set up the database inside the web container
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed

You only need to follow the previous steps the first time you build the app locally, but some of the steps can and should be reused when configuration and database schema changes.

Running the stack for Development

  1. Once the database is setup and populated, you can exit the web container with Ctrl + z and run the following command to start the rails application:
$ docker-compose up

It may take a while before you see anything. Once you see an output like this:

web_1   | => Booting Puma
web_1   | => Rails 5.2.2 application starting in development on
web_1   | => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
web_1   | => Ctrl-C to shutdown server
web_1   | Listening on, CTRL+C to stop

This means the project is up and running and the web app can be used at localhost:3000.

Stop the project

Use Ctrl + c on the terminal window in which the rails server is open to stop the project.

If you want to stop every docker process related to the project, you can run the following command from the root (makers/) directory:

$ docker-compose stop

Running specs

To run all specs run docker-compose up test.

Or if you want to run a specific spec you can enter the test container with docker-compose run test bash and then:

$ rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb

Sidenote: When you open a bash shell, docker doesn't always run the firefox instance (needed for running js-relying tests) so make sure you have it running with docker-compose up browser.


When debugging tests, you might benefit of viewing the selenium browser, to do so you need to download a VNC viewer. Once downloaded simply go to vnc://localhost:4444 and input the password secret (Note: the firefox instance needs to be running for this to work).

You can also use capybara helpers such as save_and_open_screenshot to take a screenshot at any given time. For more info on capybara go here.

Windows Set-up

The project might break if you don't have a Linux Subsystem installed, since Windows by default doesn't differentiate folders by with different case. In order to fix this you first have to run this command in Windows PowerShell (Admin)

$ Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

After restarting, you'll need to run the following command with a normal Command Prompt (under the base project path):

$ fsutil.exe file SetCaseSensitiveInfo tmp enable