
This backend provides the server-side functionality for a web application that blends features of YouTube and Twitter. It includes user management, video/tweet functionalities, subscriptions, playlists, and a dashboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YouTube + Twitter Backend

This project provides the backend functionality for a web application that combines features of YouTube and Twitter.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

The project follows a well-organized structure:

  • controllers: Houses controllers for various functionalities, promoting modular and maintainable code.

    • user.controller.js
    • video.controller.js
    • comment.controller.js
    • like.controller.js
    • subscription.controller.js
    • playlist.controller.js
    • dashboard.controller.js
    • tweet.controller.js
  • middlewares: Contains essential middleware functions.

    • auth.middleware.js: Handles user authentication.
    • multer.middleware.js: Manages file uploads using Multer.
  • db: Configurations related to the MongoDB database.

  • models: MongoDB models defining the data structure.

    • video.model.js
    • user.model.js
    • comment.model.js
    • tweet.model.js
    • subscription.model.js
    • like.model.js
    • playlist.model.js
  • routes: Defines routes for all controllers, ensuring clean separation of concerns.

  • utils: Hosts utility functions for common tasks.

|-- controllers
|   |-- user.controller.js
|   |-- video.controller.js
|   |-- comment.controller.js
|   |-- like.controller.js
|   |-- subscription.controller.js
|   |-- playlist.controller.js
|   |-- dashboard.controller.js
|   |-- tweet.controller.js
|-- middlewares
|   |-- auth.middleware.js
|   |-- multer.middleware.js
|-- db
|   |-- [Database Configuration Files]
|-- models
|   |-- video.model.js
|   |-- user.model.js
|   |-- comment.model.js
|   |-- tweet.model.js
|   |-- subscription.model.js
|   |-- like.model.js
|   |-- playlist.model.js
|-- routes
|   |-- [Route Files]
|-- utils
|   |-- [Utility Files]


  • User authentication and authorization
  • Video and tweet management (upload, view, like, comment, share)
  • Subscriptions to other users
  • Playlist creation and management
  • User dashboard
  • File uploads using Multer
  • Cloudinary integration for file storage
  • Secure authentication with JWT
  • Environment variable management with Dotenv
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support
  • Cookie parsing
  • Password encryption with Bcrypt

Technologies Used

  • Database: MongoDB with Mongoose for seamless object modeling.
  • Server: Node.js powered by the Express framework for a fast and minimalistic web framework.
  • File Storage: Cloudinary for efficient storage and retrieval of files and images.
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure user authentication.
  • Environment Variables: Dotenv
  • Middleware: cors for enabling cross-origin resource sharing, cookie-parser for parsing cookies, and bcrypt for password hashing.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/PrtHub/backend-project.git
  1. Install dependencies:
npm instal
  1. Create a .env file and set up the required environment variables (database connection string, Cloudinary credentials, etc.).

  2. Start the server:

npm run dev


Document how to interact with the backend API. Include sample requests and responses, authentication procedures, file upload instructions, and other key features.


I welcome contributions! Please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a branch for your changes.
  • Make your changes and commit them with clear messages.
  • Push your changes to your fork and create a pull request.
  • I'll review your changes and merge them if they meet my guidelines.


This project is licensed under the Pritam Ghosh