FOSS Wiki Event

Welcome to the GDSC FOSS Wiki Event, where we celebrate the ethos of open collaboration and innovation! 🎉

Event Overview

In this event, participants are encouraged to submit technical documentation in the form of blogs on various topics related to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Whether you're passionate about operating systems, programming languages, web development frameworks, or any other FOSS-related topic, this is your chance to showcase your knowledge and skills!


  1. Original Content: All submissions must be original work created by the participant. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

  2. Topic Choice: Participants are free to choose any FOSS-related topic for their blog submissions. Get creative and explore areas that interest you!

  3. Multiple Submissions: Participants can submit as many blogs as they want, but only the highest-scoring submission from each participant will be considered.

  4. Scoring Criteria:

    • Uniqueness: Originality and novelty of ideas presented in the blog.
    • Technical Depth: Depth of technical content and clarity of explanation.
    • Relevance: Alignment of the blog with FOSS principles and relevance to current trends or challenges.
    • Clarity and Coherence: Clarity of writing, logical organization of content, and coherence of ideas.
    • Engagement: Ability of the blog to captivate and engage readers, fostering discussion and further exploration.
    • Contribution Potential: Potential impact of the blog on the FOSS community, including its potential to address common challenges or inspire further development.
  5. Submission Deadline: The deadline for submissions is 6th April 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

How to Participate

  1. Choose your FOSS-related topic of interest.
  2. Create your blog documentation. Be sure to include technical details, explanations, code snippets (if applicable), and any other relevant information.
  3. Submission Process: Participants are required to create Pull Requests (PRs) on the GDSC FOSS Wiki GitHub repository. Fork and Clone the repo to work on it. Use your Roll Numbers and topic title in the format LCS2023XXX_TOPIC_TITLE as branches when creating the PRs. Blogs can be submitted in either .md or .docx format.
  4. Submit your blog by 6th April 2024.
  5. Wait for the evaluation results and keep an eye out for announcements!


If you have any questions or need clarification about the event, feel free to reach out to the organizers at GDSC IIITL Discord Server.

Let's celebrate the spirit of open collaboration and innovation with the FOSS Wiki Event! Happy blogging! 🚀