
A highly customizable, full scale web backend for web-rwkv, built on axum with websocket protocol.

Primary LanguageRust


A axum web backend for web-rwkv, built on websocket.

Supports BNF-constrained grammar, CFG sampling, etc., all streamed over network.

Still under heavy development, PRs and suggestions are welcome.


  • Run by RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" cargo run --release ./config.toml. Wait for Model is loaded! to popup.
  • Run the /tests/curl_ws.py "{any prompt input}" in the tests folder.
  • Or, with now-implemented (but not published yet) Python API:
    • Build and install the package by running python setup.py build && python setup.py install in wra-py
    • Run the tests/test_pipeline.py and check the code.


Since it's built based on websocket, and supports highly varied pipeline customizations including complex logits transformations and sampling methods, web-rwkv-axum is built on a new protocol.

For specification, please refer to the docs folder.