ETH Point of Sale

The Simple Onchain Store System


A project to practice my Foundry, Viem and Vite frontend skills.


Store Management

  1. Seed Your Inventory with JSON
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
    import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
    contract Seed is Script {
        function getData() public view returns (bytes memory, bytes memory, bytes memory) {
            string memory root = vm.projectRoot();
            string memory path = string.concat(root, "/test/fixtures/seed.json");
            string memory json = vm.readFile(path);
            bytes memory products = vm.parseJson(json, ".products");
            bytes memory saleItem = vm.parseJson(json, ".saleItems");
            bytes memory sales = vm.parseJson(json, ".sales");
            return (products, saleItem, sales);
  2. CRUD Your Products
    1. CREATE

      1. At Deployment:

        /// @notice Contract constructor
        /// @param _priceFeed Address of the price feed contract
        /// @param _initialProducts Array of initial products to add
        constructor(address _priceFeed, Store.Product[] memory _initialProducts) {
            s_owner = msg.sender;
            s_priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(_priceFeed);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < _initialProducts.length; i++) {
                    i + 1,
      2. After Deployment:

        /// @notice Adds a new product to the store
        /// @param _id Product ID
        /// @param _price Product price
        /// @param _stock Product stock
        function addProduct(
            uint256 _id,
            uint256 _price,
            uint256 _stock
        ) public onlyOwner inactiveProduct(_id) {
            s_products[_id] = Store.Product(_price, _stock);
            s_productActive[_id] = true;
    2. READ

      /// @notice Retrieves a product by ID
      /// @param _productId Product ID
      /// @return product The product details
      function getProduct(
          uint256 _productId
          returns (Store.Product memory product)
          return s_products[_productId];
      • Use make get id=<ID> to get the product with ID:

        make get ID=1
        // Output:
    3. UPDATE

      /// @notice Updates an existing product
      /// @param _id Product ID
      /// @param _price New product price
      /// @param _stock New product stock
      function updateProduct(
          uint256 _id,
          uint256 _price,
          uint256 _stock
      ) public onlyOwner activeProduct(_id) {
          s_products[_id] = Store.Product(_price, _stock);
      • Use make update id=<ID> price=<PRICE> stock=<STOCK> to update the product with ID:

        make get ID=1
        // Output: