Python 3.7 - Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs
Virtual Environment - We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organized. Instructions for setting up a virual environment for your platform can be found in the python docs
PIP Dependencies - Once your virtual environment is setup and running, install the required dependencies by navigating to the base directory and running:
Django 3.2 is being used to accomodate deployment on render
pip install -r requirements.txt
From within the base directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.
To run the server, execute:
python3 manage.py runserver
To deploy the tests, run
python3 manage.py test
- Base URL: At present this app can only be run locally and is not hosted as a base URL. The backend app is hosted at the default,
, locally. And on render at https://techsemester-suggestions.onrender.com - API Documention Url Swagger:
- Authentication: This version of the application does not require authentication or API keys.
- General:
- Fectches a list of suggestions that match the query q and returns a score is longitude and latitude queries are present. The score is base on how close the suggestion is close to the entered longitude and latitude.
- Sample:
"message": "2 Cities",
"suggestions": [
"name": "Port-au-Prince, HT",
"longitude": -72.33881,
"latitude": 18.54349,
"score": 0.99
"name": "Port-aux-Français, TF",
"longitude": 70.21937,
"latitude": -49.34916,
"score": 0.01
"status": true