
Jupyter Book template for PseudoLab studies

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Jupyter Book template for PseudoLab studies

This is a template for configuring Jupyter Book pages for PseudoLab studies.

  1. make a new repo in PseudoLab Github with the study group name as repo name

  2. clone the repo on your local computer

    git clone https://github.com/Pseudo-Lab/2021-Kaggle-Study.git
  3. clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/Pseudo-Lab/Jupyter-Book-Template
  4. move book folder to the 2021-Kaggle-Study folder which has been created at step 2.

  5. change the contents in book/docs folder with the contents from your studies

  6. configure _toc.yml file

  7. build the book using Jupyter Book command

    jupyter-book build 2021-Kaggle-Study/book
  8. sync your local and remote repositories

    cd 2021-Kaggle-Study
    git add .
    git commit -m "adding my first book!"
    git push
  9. Publish your Jupyter Book with Github Pages

    ghp-import -n -p -f book/_build/html -m "initial publishing"