
Audio files from the EN version of Arknights

Arknights Audio

This repo contains audio files from the global version of Arknights, compressed down to mp3s. It's a fork from Aceship's repo (which contains data from the CN version, but not up to date), updated to the current version on global (or as current as the latest commit). Note that new files not from Aceship repo at the time of forking use a different compression method which results in a file with smaller bitrate, so the quality miiiight be a mite different.

This repo is used for educational purpose only.

This is used for TLVR mainly. Only the voices directories are actually updated. The other directories are remnants from Aceship's repo I just don't feel like removing. If you need any of the other directories updated for whatever reason, you can contact me and I might be able to help you out.