
A flashcard web app, made with Riot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lightning Cards

Lightning Cards is a frontend-only flash card web app made with Riot v4 and Skeleton. Lightning Cards is built to be simple, easy to use, and playable on both desktop and mobile.

This app is partly inspired by Anki, a pretty good flash card app, but one that I just can't bring myself to use because of its complicated interface, especially when creating new cards. It's also inspired by Wanikani, Torii SRS, and Duolingo.

I made Lightning Cards because I want to have a flashcard app where I can quickly make my own cards and just quickly play through them. This is probably my largest coding project so far, since it's the first web app I made that I've worked on for more than a few days.

It took about three weeks (give or take some days off) to get to V1.0. God, that's a lot of time wasted on this project.

This project is in version 1.0, which means it has all the functionalities that I need. It might still have bugs and there are a couple of features that I'm thinking of adding, but for now it's finished, ok, it's done.


  • Quick practice sessions on desktop: You don't have to touch the mouse at all when practicing.
  • Easily create and edit your own cards.
  • Use UTF-8 and powered by Google Fonts: It should work with any language that your browser supports.
  • No backend whatsoever: Save the HTML/JS/CSS files and it'll work offline.
  • Decks you make is automatically saved locally
  • Switch between multiple decks. All decks are saved locally too.
  • Import/Export deck with JSON

The Maybe-I'll-Add-Them-Later Features List

  • Routing
  • Archive cards
  • Error notification
  • Add Less/Sass preprocessing (for easier recoloring, etc)
  • Night mode / custom styles
  • Spaced repetition system
  • More keyboard shortcuts
  • Dropbox/Google Drive integration

Known Problems

  • There's no routing, so clicking back or refresh will just unload the current page
  • If you leave/refresh the page in the Deck List screen, it'll make a duplicate of your current deck when you return

Running the thing

This Github project uses GitHub Pages, so you can just try out the latest pushed build by going to [https://pseudomon.github.io/lightningcards].

If you want to play with the source, I've set up npm start to get Browserify to watch the source files and automatically build everything into bundle.js.