REST API written in golang for needs of university classes.

Very simple project was needed within the course of DevOps concepts:

Number of commits for original - 120
Aim was to build Dockerfiles for building, testing and deploying stages. Next step was to write Jenkins pipeline in Groovy to automatize whole process of CI/CD concept.

Image with working project was published on DockerHub:

Example usage:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[5, 1]" http://localhost:3001/add
curl http://localhost:3001/hello

You could also use for instance Postman and send body as RAW with parameters: [5, 1].

"infra" dir

Bunch of files used for deployment of application;

  1. dockerfiles for building separate stages in pipeline written in groovy which were used in mentioned Jenkins tool.
  2. kubernetes simple deployment for local cluster minikube