
Primary LanguageScala


Notes-: Repl -: Recent evaluation print loop val is immutable var is mutable for help use :help ctrl + d #to exit

>>  sbt
>>  sbt console or start scala

scala> def max(x: Int,y: Int): Int=if (x>y) x else y
max: (x: Int, y: Int)Int

scala> max(5,7)
res2: Int = 7

scala> def say(name: String)=println(s"Hello $name")
say: (name: String)Unit

scala> say("Priyanshu")
Hello Priyanshu

scala> deg say(name: String){
     | println(s"Hello $name)
<console>:2: error: unclosed string literal
       println(s"Hello $name)

scala> deg say(name: String){
     | println(s"Hello $name")
     | }
<console>:12: error: not found: value deg
       deg say(name: String){
<console>:12: error: not found: value name
       deg say(name: String){
<console>:13: error: not found: value name
       println(s"Hello $name")

scala> def say(name: String) {println(s"Hello $name")
     | }
say: (name: String)Unit


scala> say("Sing")
Hello Sing

scala> a=10
<console>:11: error: not found: value a
<console>:12: error: not found: value a
       val $ires0 = a

scala> val a=10
a: Int = 10

scala> val b=20
b: Int = 20

scala> if (a>b) println(s"Max is $a") else println(s"Max is $b")
Max is 20

scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int){
     | result=a+b}
<console>:14: error: not found: value result

scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int){
     | val result=a+b}
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Unit

scala> add(5,6)

scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int){
     | val result=a+b
     | result
     | {
     | }
[warn] Canceling execution...
        at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.reportInterruptAfterWait(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(Unknown Source)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal$proxyInputStream$.poll$1(Terminal.scala:675)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal$proxyInputStream$.read(Terminal.scala:681)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader$1.read(ConsoleReader.java:227)
        at jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream.read(NonBlockingInputStream.java:245)
        at jline.internal.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:258)
        at jline.internal.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:195)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readCharacter(ConsoleReader.java:2180)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readCharacter(ConsoleReader.java:2170)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readBinding(ConsoleReader.java:2255)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readLine(ConsoleReader.java:2496)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readLine(ConsoleReader.java:2407)
        at jline.console.ConsoleReader.readLine(ConsoleReader.java:2395)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.jline.InteractiveReader.readOneLine(JLineReader.scala:63)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.InteractiveReader.readLine(InteractiveReader.scala:45)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.InteractiveReader.readLine$(InteractiveReader.scala:42)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.jline.InteractiveReader.readLine(JLineReader.scala:31)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:875)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:883)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:883)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:883)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:883)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.interpretStartingWith(ILoop.scala:883)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.command(ILoop.scala:733)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.processLine(ILoop.scala:435)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.loop(ILoop.scala:456)
        at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.ILoop.process(ILoop.scala:1048)
        at xsbt.ConsoleBridge.run(ConsoleBridge.scala:75)
        at sbt.internal.inc.AnalyzingCompiler.console(AnalyzingCompiler.scala:208)
        at sbt.Console.console0$1(Console.scala:64)
        at sbt.Console.$anonfun$apply$5(Console.scala:74)
        at sbt.Run$.executeSuccess(Run.scala:186)
        at sbt.Console.$anonfun$apply$4(Console.scala:74)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal.withRawInput(Terminal.scala:145)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal.withRawInput$(Terminal.scala:143)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal$ProxyTerminal$.withRawInput(Terminal.scala:384)
        at sbt.Console.$anonfun$apply$3(Console.scala:74)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal$TerminalImpl.withRawOutput(Terminal.scala:975)
        at sbt.internal.util.Terminal$ProxyTerminal$.withRawOutput(Terminal.scala:423)
        at sbt.Console.apply(Console.scala:71)
        at sbt.Console.apply(Console.scala:49)
        at sbt.Console.apply(Console.scala:41)
        at sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$consoleTask$1(Defaults.scala:2232)
        at sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$consoleTask$1$adapted(Defaults.scala:2218)
        at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
        at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
        at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$4.work(Transform.scala:68)
        at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:282)
        at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:23)
        at sbt.Execute.work(Execute.scala:291)
        at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:282)
        at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:265)
        at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$2.call(CompletionService.scala:64)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

That entry seems to have slain the compiler.  Shall I replay
your session? I can re-run each line except the last one.
You must enter y or n.
That entry seems to have slain the compiler.  Shall I replay
your session? I can re-run each line except the last one.
Abandoning crashed session.


scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int){
     | val result=a+b
     | result
     | }
<console>:15: warning: multiline expressions might require enclosing parentheses; a value can be silently discarded when Unit is expected
<console>:15: warning: a pure expression does nothing in statement position
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Unit

scala> add(5,6)

scala>  def add(a:Int,b:Int){
     |      | val result=a+b
<console>:2: error: ';' expected but 'val' found.
            | val result=a+b

scala>      | result
<console>:12: error: not found: value result

scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int)={
     | val result=a+b
     | }
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Unit

scala> add(5,6)

scala> val sum=add(5,6)
sum: Unit = ()

scala> sum

scala> def add(a:Int,b:Int)={
     | val result=a+b
     | result
     | }
add: (a: Int, b: Int)Int

scala> add(4,5)
res12: Int = 9

scala> def SAD(a:Int,b:Int): (Int,Int)={
     | val sum=a+b
     | val diff=a-b
     | (sum,diff)
     | }
SAD: (a: Int, b: Int)(Int, Int)

scala> val res=SAD(10,5)
res: (Int, Int) = (15,5)

scala> res._1
res13: Int = 15

scala> res._2
res14: Int = 5

scala> val (sm,df)=SAD(10,5)
sm: Int = 15
df: Int = 5

scala> val (a,b,c)=(0,'a',1)
a: Int = 0
b: Char = a
c: Int = 1

scala> a
res15: Int = 0

scala> b
res16: Char = a

scala> val x=1+2
x: Int = 3

scala> 1.+(2)
res17: Int = 3

scala> val s="Hello"
s: String = Hello

scala> s.charAt(1)
res18: Char = e

scala> s.charAt 1
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found.
       s.charAt 1

scala> s charAt 1
res19: Char = e

scala> list(1,2,3).map(_*2)
<console>:12: error: not found: value list

scala> List(1,2,3).map(_*2)
res21: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6)

scala> println("Hello")

scala> println "Hello"
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but string literal found.
       println "Hello"

scala> System.out.println "Hello"
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but string literal found.
       System.out.println "Hello"

scala> System.out println "Hello"

scala> val args=Array("Pk","Singh")
args: Array[String] = Array(Pk, Singh)

scala> val args=Array(1,2,3,4,5)
args: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> args[0]
<console>:1: error: identifier expected but integer literal found.

scala> args._1
<console>:13: error: value _1 is not a member of Array[Int]

scala> ags(0)
<console>:12: error: not found: value ags

scala> args(0)
res26: Int = 1

scala> LocalDate.now()
<console>:12: error: not found: value LocalDate

scala> import java.time._
import java.time._

scala> LocalDate.now()
res28: java.time.LocalDate = 2022-03-18

scala> now()
<console>:15: error: not found: value now

scala> args(0)="Priyanshu"
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("Priyanshu")
 required: Int

scala> args
res31: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> args(0)=10

scala> args
res33: Array[Int] = Array(10, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> type(args)
<console>:1: error: identifier expected but '(' found.

scala> args.update(1,12)

scala> args
res35: Array[Int] = Array(10, 12, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val lis=List(1,2,3)
lis: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> lis
res36: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> lis.apply(0)
res37: Int = 1

scala> lis(0)
res38: Int = 1

scala> lis(0)=2
<console>:16: error: value update is not a member of List[Int]

scala> val arr2=Array(1,2,3)
arr2: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)

scala> val arr2=Array[Int](1,2,3)
arr2: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)

scala> arr2.size
res40: Int = 3

scala> +
<console>:15: error: not found: value +

scala> :help
All commands can be abbreviated, e.g., :he instead of :help.
:completions <string>    output completions for the given string
:edit <id>|<line>        edit history
:help [command]          print this summary or command-specific help
:history [num]           show the history (optional num is commands to show)
:h? <string>             search the history
:imports [name name ...] show import history, identifying sources of names
:implicits [-v]          show the implicits in scope
:javap <path|class>      disassemble a file or class name
:line <id>|<line>        place line(s) at the end of history
:load <path>             interpret lines in a file
:paste [-raw] [path]     enter paste mode or paste a file
:power                   enable power user mode
:quit                    exit the interpreter
:replay [options]        reset the repl and replay all previous commands
:require <path>          add a jar to the classpath
:reset [options]         reset the repl to its initial state, forgetting all session entries
:save <path>             save replayable session to a file
:sh <command line>       run a shell command (result is implicitly => List[String])
:settings <options>      update compiler options, if possible; see reset
:silent                  disable/enable automatic printing of results
:type [-v] <expr>        display the type of an expression without evaluating it
:kind [-v] <type>        display the kind of a type. see also :help kind
:warnings                show the suppressed warnings from the most recent line which had any

scala> Nil
res42: scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type = List()

scala> Nil.::(1).::(2)
res43: List[Int] = List(2, 1)

scala> l1=List(1,2,3)
<console>:14: error: not found: value l1
<console>:15: error: not found: value l1
       val $ires1 = l1

scala> val l1=List(1,2,3)
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> val l2=List(4,5,6)
l2: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6)

scala> l1:::l2
res44: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

scala> l2:::l1
res45: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3)

scala> val arr1: Seq[Int]=Array(1,2,3)
arr1: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(1, 2, 3)

scala> l1(0)=12
<console>:16: error: value update is not a member of List[Int]

scala>  Vector(1,2,3)
res47: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(1, 2, 3)

scala> Sets(List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454))
<console>:15: error: not found: value Sets

scala> Set(List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454))
res49: scala.collection.immutable.Set[List[Int]] = Set(List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 454))

scala>  List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454)
res50: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 454)

scala> lis= List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454)
<console>:15: error: reassignment to val
       lis= List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454)

scala> val lis= List(1,2,3,1,2,3,454)
lis: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 454)

scala> Set(lis)
res51: scala.collection.immutable.Set[List[Int]] = Set(List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 454))

scala> Set(1,23,4,1,2,343,54)
res52: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 343, 2, 54, 23, 4)

scala> new Array[String](3)
res53: Array[String] = Array(null, null, null)

scala> new Array[String](2)
res54: Array[String] = Array(null, null)

scala> new Array[String](10)
res55: Array[String] = Array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)

scala> map('a'->1)
<console>:15: error: not found: value map

scala> Map('a'->1)
res57: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 1)

scala> a
res58: Int = 0

scala> var m1=Map('a'->1)
m1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 1)

scala> m1
res59: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 1)

scala> m1(a)
<console>:17: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int
 required: Char

scala> "hello"->43
res61: (String, Int) = (hello,43)

scala> "hello".->55
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found.

scala> "hello".->(55)
res62: (String, Int) = (hello,55)

scala> var String="hello"
String: String = hello

scala> String.reverse
res63: String = olleh

scala> val mapToRiches=Map(1->"One",2->"Two",3->"Three")
mapToRiches: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> One, 2 -> Two, 3 -> Three)

scala> for((step,instructions)<-mapToRiches){
     | println(s"Step $step - $instructions")
     | }
Step 1 - One
Step 2 - Two
Step 3 - Three


scala> cd
<console>:15: error: not found: value cd

scala> import scala.io.Source
import scala.io.Source

scala> for(line<-Source.fromFile("file.txt").getLines()){
     | println(line)
     | }
Unity in Diversity means unity among people who has certain differences. These differences may be related to there place of leaving, their culture, their religion, and their class. If you are leaving in India you can see different cultures are leaving in a different part of the country with language change is common someplace it changes after every 50km, It may be a small change or large change. In some cultures, people take the bear and some not but they are leaving and working together for their professional point of view. The best thing about unity in diversity is that we are learning something new like there food, If north Indian leaves with south Indian guy then there definitely share there food like the south have dosa and the north one have samosa and so on.


scala> class A{
     | val x=10
     | val y=x*2
     | def timesY(a:Int):Int=a*y
     | }
defined class A

scala> val A=new A
A: A = A@a6bdb57

scala> A.x
res0: Int = 10

scala> A.y
res1: Int = 20

scala> A.timesY(4)
res2: Int = 80


scala> import java.io._

scala> class WriteOutput(writer: PrintWriter){
     | def write(s:String): Unit=writer.println(s)
     | }
// defined class WriteOutput
scala> val out1=new WriteOutput(ex1)
val out1: WriteOutput = WriteOutput@7574d4ad

scala> out1.write("Hello")

scala> out1.write("to")

scala> out1.write("you")

scala> ex1.close()

if-else(no ternary)

scala>  if(a>b){println(a)}else{println(b)}


scala> try{
     | require(a,"A should be true")
     | a
     | } catch{ case ex: IllegalArgumentException=>0}
val res1: AnyVal = 0


scala> for (i<-1 to 10) println(i*i)

scala> (1 to 10).foreach(i=> println(i*i))

scala> for {
     | i<-1 to 3
     | j<-1 to 3
     | }{ println(i*j)}

scala> for (i<-1 to 10) yield i*i
val res2: IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100)

scala> (1 to 3).flatMap(i=>(1 to 3).map(j=>i*3))
val res3: IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, 9)

scala> for {
     | v1<- 1 to 3
     | v2<- 4 to 6
     | v3<- 7 to 9
     | } yield v1+v2+v3
val res4: IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 15, 14, 15, 16, 13, 14, 15, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 17, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 17, 16, 17, 18)

Mathc- Case Similar to Switch Case

scala> val x=1
val x: Int = 1

scala> x match{
     | case 1=> println("One")
     | case 2=> println("Two")
     | case 3=> println("Three")
     | case _=>  println("Something else")
     | }

scala> val res=x match{
     | case 1=> "one"
     | case 2=> "two"
     | case _=> "Something else"
     | }
val res: String = one

scala> val n = -1
scala> n match{
     | case 0=> "Zero"
     | case v if v>0 => "positive"
     | case v => "negative"
     | }
val res5: String = negative

String interpotation


Higher Order Function

scala> val nums=(1 to 10).toList
val nums: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

scala> nums.map(x=>x*x)
val res0: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100)

scala> nums.filter(x=>x%2==0)
val res1: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

scala> nums.span(x=>x%4!=0)
val res2: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(1, 2, 3),List(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))

scala> nums.partition(x=>x%4!=0)
val res3: (List[Int], List[Int]) = (List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10),List(4, 8))

scala> nums.partition(x=>x%4!=0)(1)
val res4: List[Int] = List(4, 8)

scala> val res=nums.reduce((x,y)=>x max y)
val res: Int = 10

scala> nums.reduce((x:Int,y:Int)=>x+y)
val res5: Int = 55

Partial app

scala> val num3=(a: Int,b: Int,c: Int)=>a+b+c
val num3: (Int, Int, Int) => Int = Lambda$1611/2101881246@17810908

scala> val add=num3(6,(_:Int),3)
val add: Int => Int = Lambda$1623/1218021867@6d97a357

scala> add
val res6: Int => Int = Lambda$1623/1218021867@6d97a357

scala> add(2)
val res7: Int = 11


   // VALUES are immutable constants.
   val hello: String = "Hola!"

   // VARIABLES are mutable
   var helloThere: String = hello
   helloThere = hello + " There!"

   val immutableHelloThere = hello + " There"

   // Data Types

   val numberOne: Int = 1
   val truth: Boolean = true
   val letterA: Char = 'a'
   val pi: Double = 3.14159265
   val piSinglePrecision: Float = 3.14159265f
   val bigNumber: Long = 123456789
   val smallNumber: Byte = 127

   println("Here is a mess: " + numberOne + truth + letterA + pi + bigNumber)

   println(f"Pi is about $piSinglePrecision%.3f")
   println(f"Zero padding on the left: $numberOne%05d")

   println(s"I can use the s prefix to use variables like $numberOne $truth $letterA")

   println(s"The s prefix isn't limited to variables; I can include any expression. Like ${1+2}")

   val theUltimateAnswer: String = "To life, the universe, and everything is 42."
   val pattern = """.* ([\d]+).*""".r
   val pattern(answerString) = theUltimateAnswer
   val answer = answerString.toInt

   // Booleans
   val isGreater = 1 > 2
   val isLesser = 1 < 2
   val impossible = isGreater & isLesser
   val anotherWay = isGreater || isLesser

   val picard: String = "Picard"
   val bestCaptain: String = "Picard"
   val isBest: Boolean = picard == bestCaptain
   // Flow control

// If / else:
if (1 > 3) println("Impossible!") else println("The world makes sense.")

if (1 > 3) {
} else {
  println("The world makes sense.")

// Matching
val number = 2
number match {
  case 1 => println("One")
  case 2 => println("Two")
  case 3 => println("Three")
  case _ => println("Something else")

for (x <- 1 to 4) {
  val squared = x * x

var x = 10
while (x >= 0) {
  x -= 1

x = 0
do { println(x); x+=1 } while (x <= 10)

// Expressions

{val x = 10; x + 20}

println({val x = 10; x + 20})

// Functions

// format def <function name>(parameter name: type...) : return type = { }

def squareIt(x: Int) : Int = {
  x * x

def cubeIt(x : Int) : Int = {x * x * x}



def transformInt(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = {

val result = transformInt(2, cubeIt)

transformInt(3, x => x * x * x)

transformInt(10, x => x / 2)

transformInt(2, x => {val y = x * 2; y * y})

// Data structures

// Tuples
// Immutable lists

val captainStuff = ("Picard", "Enterprise-D", "NCC-1701-D")

// Refer to the individual fields with a ONE-BASED index

val picardsShip = "Picard" -> "Enterprise-D"

val aBunchOfStuff = ("Kirk", 1964, true)

// Lists
// Like a tuple, but more functionality
// Must be of same type

val shipList = List("Enterprise", "Defiant", "Voyager", "Deep Space Nine")

// zero-based


for (ship <- shipList) {println(ship)}

val backwardShips = shipList.map( (ship: String) => {ship.reverse})
for (ship <- backwardShips) {println(ship)}

// reduce() to combine together all the items in a collection using some function
val numberList = List(1, 2, 3, 4,5 )
val sum = numberList.reduce( (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y)

// filter() removes stuff
val iHateFives = numberList.filter( (x: Int) => x != 5)

val iHateThrees = numberList.filter(_ != 3)

// Concatenate lists
val moreNumbers = List(6,7,8)
val lotsOfNumbers = numberList ++ moreNumbers

val reversed = numberList.reverse
val sorted = reversed.sorted
val lotsOfDuplicates = numberList ++ numberList
val distinctValues = lotsOfDuplicates.distinct
val maxValue = numberList.max
val total = numberList.sum
val hasThree = iHateThrees.contains(3)

val shipMap = Map("Kirk" -> "Enterprise", "Picard" -> "Enterprise-D", "Sisko" -> "Deep Space Nine", "Janeway" -> "Voyager")
val archersShip = util.Try(shipMap("Archer")) getOrElse "Unknown"