
Psiphon Chrome app using native messaging

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Psiphon Chrome This is a Chrome app using native messaging

It currently:

  • Instantiates the tunnel core (with values from host/embedded_values.go)
  • Manages the Chrome proxy settings

In order to use this app (until cross platform installers are created) you must:

  1. Copy host/embedded_values.go.stub to host/embedded_values.go and populate the configuration file appropriately
  2. Build the native messaging host (instructions in host/README.md)
  3. Install the native messaging host from the host directory (instructions below)
  4. Load the app from the appdirectory via chrome://extensions -> Load unpacked extension...

###To install the host: ####On Windows: Run the install_host.bat script in the tools directory

This script installs the native messaging host for the current user It creates a registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\ca.psiphon.chromeand sets its default value to the full path of host\ca.psiphon.chrome-win.json

If you want to install the native messaging host for all users, change HKEY_CURRENT_USER to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE when creating the registry key

####On Mac and Linux: Run the install_host.sh script in the tools directory

By default the host is installed only for the user who runs the script, but if you run it with admin privileges (i.e. sudo tools/install_host.sh), then the host will be installed for all users

###To uninstall: ####Uninstalling the host:

  1. Run the tools/uninstall_host.bat or tools/uninstall_host.sh script to uninstall the host from Windows or Mac/Linux respectively

####Uninstalling the extension:

  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions
  2. Click the trash can icon on the right hand side of the Psiphon entry