OpenCOPTER is a python library for fast and efficient simulation of multirotor aerodynamics

Primary LanguageDGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


OpenCOPTER (COupled Potential Theory Extensions for Rotors) is a library for fast and efficient simulation of multirotor aerodynamics. Documentation for OpenCOPTER can be found here

Table of Contents

  1. Dependencies
    1. Required Dependencies
    2. Optional Dependencies
    3. Example/Validation Project Dependencies
  2. Building
    1. Build Types (-b)
    2. Configurations (-c)
  3. Running the Examples
  4. OC Fly
    1. Dependencies
    2. Geometry File
    3. Parameters File


OpenCOPTER has a number of dependencies that need to be setup and installed first. Some of these are provided as git submodules and are largely transparent to the user. If you are cloning a fresh repository run:

	git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/PsuAeroacoustics/OpenCOPTER

If the repository is already cloned, but submodules were not cloned, run the following command to acquire the submodules:

	git submodule update --init --recursive

Setting up the remaining dependencies is described below.

Required Dependencies

Linux (Ubuntu)

Most of these dependencies can be obtained through the apt package manager on Ubuntu. Make sure the development version of the packages are installed:

	sudo apt install ldc
	sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
	sudo apt install liblapack-dev
	sudo apt install liblapacke-dev

The exception to this is SLEEF. As OpenCOPTER statically links SLEEF, when configuring it with cmake, make sure that the -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF flag is passed to cmake. OpenCOPTER expects that SLEEF is installed in /usr/local/lib which is the default prefix on linux and macOS


Homebrew can be used to install most of these dependencies. The exception is SLEEF, which while there is a brew formula, it doesn't build the static library. This can be built the same way as the linux version. It is expected to be installed in /usr/local/lib on macOS as well.

Homebrew can also be used to install openblas. On macOS openblas includes lapack and lapacke, so no further dependencies need to be installed. If Homebrew is not an option, openblas can be built from source and installed to /usr/local/lib.

Using Homebrew:

	brew install dub
	brew install ldc
	brew install -s openblas

The -s option for the openblas install makes Homebrew build the library from source, which is required to avoid openmp runtime errors.


Unfortunately OpenCOPTER does not support Windows natively at this time. Work is being done to get support going but for the time being, WSL and WSL2 can be used to run this code using the linux directions above.

Optional Dependencies

  • cmake 3.14 or greater
  • libvtk-9.1

If building the library with vtk support, we currently explicitly link with libvtk-9.1 as this is what is offered in the Ubuntu 22.04 repositories. The libraries are unfortunately installed with an explicit -9.1 suffix and no symlinks, which leaves us linking to a specific version. At the moment, the easiest way to install this version is through the git repository as the pre-built packages on the kitware site are for 9.2 at the time of this writing.

Example/Validation Project Dependencies

The example project and boxwell validation project have a few more dependencies that need to be put in place if the user is interested in running them. The example example/python/example.py expects the following python packages to be installed:

  • matplotlib
  • numpy

The boxwell validation project expects two more dependencies to be installed. The first is our acoustics wopwop coupling library, wopwopd (https://github.com/PsuAeroacoustics/wopwopd.git). This can be placed anywhere but must be registered to the local dub repository. This can be done by navigating to the repository on the command line and running the following command:

	dub add-local ./

The second dependency is our fork of the D language binding for matplotlib, matplotlib-d (https://github.com/Rob-Rau/matplotlib-d). The validation project expects this to be installed in the same directory as the OpenCOPTER directory. This package requires that the python package matplotlib be installed.

No other action needs to be taken with these dependencies as their build process is taken care of when building the validation project.


Once all the dependencies have been installed, run the following command to build the library:

	dub build -c library-novtk -b release --compiler=ldc2

This command builds the library without vtk support as a portable release build using the ldc compiler. There are a number of different configurations and build types that can be used.

Build Types (-b)

Configuration Description
debug Basic debug mode, no optimizations.
release Portable release build. Non-CPU specific optimizations enabled
release-native Native release build. Optimizes for host CPU
release-native-512 Native release build. Optimizes for host CPU, Encourages use of AVX512 instructions, suppressing compiler instruction heuristics
release-generic-avx Portable release mode with AVX enabled
release-generic-avx2 Portable release mode with AVX2 enabled
release-generic-avx512f Portable release mode with AVX512F enabled

OpenCOPTER has been designed so that the compilers auto-vectorizer can be judiciously employed. This means that there may be large performance gains by using the -native build types. However it is important to note that these builds will not be portable.

Configurations (-c)

Build Type Description
library Builds the dynamic library for use with other D code. No python wrappers included
library-novtk Builds the dynamic library for use with other D code. Python wrappers and VTK support excluded
library-python Builds the dynamic library for use with other D code. Python wrappers are built for the specific version of python. can be any of 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, or 310
library-python-novtk Builds the dynamic library for use with other D code. VTK support excluded. Python wrappers are built for the specific version of python. can be any of 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, or 310


The configurations that have a -novtk suffix disable linking to the libvtk libraries and turns OpenCOPTER vtu* functions into no-ops. This ensures that no source code changes are required when building without libvtk support.

Running the Examples

All that needs to be done to run the example after libopencopter has been built with python support is running the following command in the examples/python directory:

	python3 example.py

The HART-II validation can also be referenced as an example project. It has a number of command line arguments that can be set to control the collective pitch of the rotor, the lateral and longitudinal cyclic, and more. To get a full list of command line options, on the command line run:

	./hart_val -h

OC Fly

OC Fly is a python front-end for OpenCOPTER. It takes input files in the form of JSON describing a vehicle configuration and flight conditions. OC Fly can be run in parallel using MPI, running one input case per provided core.

OC Fly Dependencies

OC Fly has the following dependencies:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • mpi4py
  • pyjson5

These can be installed through your package manager, pip, or an anaconda distribution.

Geometry File

The geometry JSON file has the following layout:

		"name": "vehicle name",
		"rotors": [
				"radius": 1.5,
				"origin": [0, 0, 0],
				"number_of_blades": 3,
				"blade": {
					"AR": 7.5,
					"theta_tw": -8.0
				"radius": 1.5,
				"origin": [-3, 0, 0.25],
				"number_of_blades": 3,
				"blade": {
					"AR": 7.5,
					"theta_tw": -8.0

At the top level is an array of Aircraft objects so multiple vehicles can be defined in a single file. The fields expected in an Aircraft objects is as follows:

Field Description
name Name of the vehicle. A directory will be created with this name that stores all output files
rotors An array of Rotor objects defining the geometry of each rotor on the aircraft

Each Rotor object has the following fields:

Field Description
radius Radius of the rotor. Units don't matter as long as all input units are consistent
origin Origin of the rotor center specified in non-dimensionally
number_of_blades Optional. Number of blades on the rotor
blade Optional. Blade object to be used for all number_of_blades blades
blades Optional. Array of Blade objects. If this is specified, number_of_blades and the blade field are ignored

Each Blade object has the following fields:

Field Description
AR aspect ratio of the blade
theta_tw Linear twist slope of the blade

Parameters File

The parameters file contains two top-level fields: the first field defines the computational parameters, and the second field defines the flight condition for all vehicles to be simulated at. The parameter file has the following layout:

  "computational_parameters": {
    "d_psi": 1.0,
    "spanwise_elements": 48,
    "shed_history_angle": 45.0,
    "convergence_criteria": 1.0e-4
  "flight_conditions": [
      "aoa": 0.0,
      "aoa_rotors": [0, 0],
      "density": 1.125,
      "omegas": [ 109.12, -109.12 ],
      "sos": 343,
      "c_t": [0.005, 0.005],
	  "collective": [5.06, 5.06],
      "V_inf": 30.0

The computational_parameters object has the following fields:

Field Description
d_psi The delta azimuth angle to step the simulation by. The fastest rotor is used to compute the timestep from this angle
spanwise_elements The number of spanwise elements of the blade. This will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8
shed_history_angle The amount of shed wake history to maintain. Defined in degrees azimuth
convergence_criteria The convergence criteria of the wake. All wake filaments must must converge to less than this value over a revolution

The flight_conditions field is an array of flight_condition objects that have the following fields:

Field Description
aoa Optional, un-used if aoa_rotors is defined. The freestream velocity angle relative to the tip-path-plane of all rotors
aoa_rotors Optional. The freestream velocity angle relative to the tip-path-plane of each specific rotors. Allows rotors to have different orientations from each other
density The reference density
omegas Array of rotor angular velocities, specified in rad/s. Positive is counter-clockwise rotation, Negative is clockwise rotation
sos The reference speed of sound
c_t Optional. An array of thrust coefficients to trim each rotor to
collective Optional, ignored if c_t is set. An array of collective pitches to set each rotor to
V_inf The reference free-stream velocity

If multiple flight_conditions are specified, oc_fly will simulate each one.